Details of the fix to re-elect a one-party Congress on Nov. 8th begin tonight at 6 p.m.

Details of the fix to re-elect a one-party Congress on Nov. 8th begin tonight at 6 p.m.

Today at 6 p.m. for the Holder-Elias live Twitter audio feed at:

Who is Marc Elias?

Hillary Clinton’s lawyer.

What will Holder and Elias discuss?

Tuesday’s U.S. Supreme Court hearing of Merrill vs. Milligan.

It is about guaranteeing Congressional seats based on race rather than by votes.

Rather than broadcasting a live audio feed, it will be recorded and posted after Tuesday’s Supreme Court hearing.

When will the U.S. and NATO nuke Kyiv, Ukraine?

When will the U.S. and NATO nuke Kyiv, Ukraine?

NATO splits $78 billion in Ukraine relief money Weds. at its HQs in Brussels

NATO splits $78 billion in Ukraine relief money Weds. at its HQs in Brussels