FBI ordered to release its investigation of Andrew G. McCabe at "750 pages a month until complete" -brassballs.blog
FBI ordered to release its investigation of Andrew G. McCabe at "750 pages a month until complete"

FBI ordered to release its investigation of Andrew G. McCabe at "750 pages a month until complete"

Andrew G. McCabe (above)

Judge Reggie B. Walton ordered the Justice Department to release its investigation of Andrew G. McCabe, former FBI Deputy Director on Oct. 3rd.

The order included releasing “750 pages a month” until “the processing “ of all “documents is complete.”

The next court hearing is Jan. 18th at 11:30 a.m.

A copy of the judge’s one-page order is linked here:


The link to the 341-page report is linked after the image below.

Judge Walton.jpg

Judge Reggie B. Walton, District of Columbia

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