Found server room in Ukraine

Found server room in Ukraine

It is in Kyiv, Ukraine in the joint offices of the:

  • FBI

  • U.S. Embassy

  • NABU

NABU is the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.

Kyiv map compared to Europe Asia image.png

The source is a joint press release dated Feb. 3rd, 2016.

Issued by the:

  • FBI

  • Ukraine’s NABU crime unit

Here it is:

NABU FBI gave them server Feb. 3rd 2016 image with photo.png
NABU logo.png

Four photos of the Ukraine server and computer equipment in the Feb. 3rd, 2016 press release are here:

NABU image all four photos.jpg
NABU FBI equipment two.png
NABU FBI equipment three.png
NABU FBI equipment four.png

Please fast forward to 1:40:43

In Kviv, Ukraine, CrowdStrike and NABU have offices in the same building.

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