State Department paid $10 million to set up server room in Kiev, Ukraine

State Department paid $10 million to set up server room in Kiev, Ukraine

According to who?

Jorgan Andrews of the U.S. State Department.

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He works for the State Department as Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

The State Department shares its intelligence data with Ukraine and the 29 countries in NATO.

The source is a transcript from Andrews’ press conference dated June 26th, 2018 in Washington, D.C.

It is linked here:

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Andrews was Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of European and Eurasian Affairs when the ten million dollar purchase was made.

He is fluent in Russian and Spanish.

Andrews reported to Bruce Ohr when Ohr worked as an attorney in the Justice Department.

Ohr was former director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force.

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Dated Jan. 23rd

Dated Oct. 23rd. Please fast forward to 40 seconds.

Dated Feb. 29th, 2012

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Pamela Tremont (above right), U.S. State Department, and Sergei Kniazev, Chief of Ukraine’s National Police.

Where did the $2.8 billion go?

Serhiy Knyazev (above), served as Chief of Ukraine's National Police Feb. 8th, 2017 to Sept. 25th, 2019.

Serhiy Knyazev and Sergei Kniazev are the same person.

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