Hazelwood calls Judge prejudiced, wants new trial

Hazelwood calls Judge prejudiced, wants new trial

Judge Curtis Collier (above)

Mark Hazelwood asked for a new judge and a new trial Wednesday.

The soonest an appeal hearing can be scheduled is Oct. 14th.

According to the Clerk of Courts, the oral argument calendar for the Hazelwood case will be posted on Sept. 30th.

Hazelwood Oral Argument Calendar Sixth Circuit United States Court of Appeals.png


He called the Federal Trial Judge, Curtis Collier “prejudiced”.


Hazelwood has never waivered from calling himself “innocent”.

Hazelwood was former President of Pilot Flying J.

Pilot Flying J is the nation's largest seller of diesel fuel. It specializes in selling fuel to long-haul trucking companies.

It has:

  • 27,000 employees

  • sales of $30 billion

  • sells seven billion gallons of diesel fuel a year

  • 750 retail truck stops with convenience stores in 43 states and six Canadian provinces



Mark Hazelwood (above)

Pilot is owned by Jimmy Haslam, owner of the Cleveland Browns, a professional football team.

Hazelwood was Jimmy’s right-hand man.



Jimmy Haslam (left), Mark Hazelwood (right). and Trace Adkins, Country Western singer

Pilot’s criminal conspiracy has nothing to do with the Cleveland Browns.

Haslam bought the Browns six months before 200 FBI and IRS agents raided his corporate headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee in a search that lasted two days.

Haslam admitted in writing that his company, Pilot:

  • stole $56 million from 5600 customers

  • cooked the books to conceal the theft

Haslam has said he is “unaware” of any wrongdoing.

His signed admission of corporate guilt as Pilot's CEO is linked here on Page 40 marked "C4":



Haslam and 22 others are anticipating being indicted for conspiracy and theft as soon as Hazelwood’s appeal has concluded.


Hazelwood’s case is in U.S. Federal District Court of Appeals in Cincinnati.

Case number is 18-6023.

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Hazelwood Reply Brief FINAL docx - TransportRoom.png


So far, 22 former Pilot sales department employees have plead guilty to conspiracy and theft.

Three more were found guilty by juries.

One was found innocent.

Hazelwood said he was “innocent” and took his case to trial.

He lost.

A jury found him guilty of conspiracy and stealing $10,405,836 from Pilot’s customers.

Every dime is itemized in court filings linked here:


Hazelwood is appealing his sentence of 12 and a half years.

It could been 25 years.

Hazelwood has been on home confinement since Feb. 16th, 2018. He has called the terms of it “abusive”.

He was supposed to start serving his prison sentence Nov. 26th in a federal prison at Montgomery Air Force Base in Alabama.

His appeal delayed it.


Judge Collier said Hazelwood is “a flight risk”.

To prevent him from leaving the country, Hazelwood was forced to sell his plane and boat by court order. He kept his four homes. One of them is in Italy.


The Judge fined Hazelwood $750,000. Collier said it failed to put a dent in the defendant’s net worth.

Hazelwood was paid $40 million to take the rap for using racial slurs at Pilot’s company events on a routine basis while he was their President.


The payment blocked people from collecting money from Pilot for civil rights and other money damages.


Judge Collier said the public needs to be protected from Hazelwood.

He poses “a risk” of committing “further white collar crimes”, said the Judge.

Allegations of Pilot selling fuel under sanctions were never proven. Evidence and details of out of court settlements never need be disclosed.

At the time, Jimmy Haslam’s brother, Bill, was Governor of Tennessee.

Jimmy’s college roomate was Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN).


Jimmy Haslam (left) shaking hands with Bob Corker election night (above)


Alexander Torshin was Mariia Butina’s handler. She pled guilty to being a Russian spy.

Torshin is pictured here with Gov. Bill Haslam at an NRA function in Nashville:

Haslem+Preston+Nov+8th+2012 TN Torshin.png

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (left), Kline Preston (red tie), and Alexander Torshin on Nov. 8th, 2012


Corker was Chairman of the Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations.

He campaigned against President Donald J. Trump. He voted to renew the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. and extend the FISA court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act).

Corker failed to run for re-election last year.


Instead, Corker is the front-runner to become the next President of the University of Tennessee.

It is a national center for the nation’s nuclear engineering.

TN nuclear engineering.png


Corker said Trump’s removal of former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance was a “kind of a banana republic kind of thing”.


The Cleveland Browns play their season’s opener on Sunday against the Tennessee Titans.

The Browns are favored to win.

They have lost 19 of their last 20 home openers.

The Browns record under Haslam is 21-58-1 or:

  • 21 losses

  • 58 losses

  • one tie

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