Police unions sell out to Hillary and UN

Police unions sell out to Hillary and UN

Hillary Clinton is pictured above with Michelle Bachelet (left) dated March 2nd, 2010.


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CNN Hillary Bachelet 25 blackberries March 2nd 2010.png


Hillary Clinton brought 25 satellite phones to Chile.

With a Pakistani mystery man to program them.

Clinton was Secretary of State at the time.

On the receiving end was Michelle Bachelet.

She was President of Chile at the time.

NATO sent 40 satellite phones.

North American Treaty Organization (NATO).

What is NATO doing in South America?

Expanding its global police force.


NATO is the police arm of the United Nations (UN).

While Joe Biden was Senator, he helped push through a bill to expand NATO.

And have the U.S. pay for it.


Pay for what?



Secure phones.

The kind NSA is unable to trace.


Michelle Bachelet is the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner of Human Rights.


If House bill 7120 passes, she is in charge of all local police review boards in America.

It passed the House on June 25th.

It is about to be voted on by the Senate.

As soon as 5:30 p..m. today.

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Michelle Bachelet (above), dated June 17th

Reparations text June 17th 2020.png


According to a UN press release dated June 10th, America is a racist society.


And police unions fight to keep racist cops on their forces.

The UN’s answer to police unions?

The UN Human Rights Commission.

And police abuse review boards managed by guess who?

Michelle Bachelet, the High Commissioner of Human Rights.

Her agenda?:

Get rid of the police unions.

Then its members.

Who agrees with her?


House Bill 7120.

A total of 135-pages.

The bill gives the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights what kind of powers?

Dismissing police as soon as a complaint is filed.

Without an investigation.

Then fine the alleged wrongdoers.

With the money going to the State.

Instead of the people who allegedly were injured.

House passes 7120 headline.png


How can that happen?

If it passes the Senate.

And former V.P. Joe Biden is elected President.

Biden will sign it.

Because President Donald J. Trump is no longer there to veto it.

Big if’s.

So was Trump being elected President.

Instead of Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State.

What have police unions done to protect its membership from wholesale terminations?


Who was paid off?

Please fast forward to eight minutes, 52 seconds.

Justin Howard Harvard CNBC.png

According to Justin Hansford of CNBC, police unions are:

“The last bastions of direct racial animosity in America”.

Details of what is in House Bill 7120 is linked here:



Opening statement by HC Michelle Bachelet at 44th session of the Human Rights Council. Dated July 1st.

UN High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet called the China Fauci virus “racist”.

She said, “the segregated data indicates that members of racial and ethnic minorities . . . are more likely to die of COVID-19. This is particularly true of people of African descent.”

The above video from the UN is dated July 1st.

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President Barack Obama and Michelle Bacheler (above).

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President Obama in Chile after Bacheler was elected a second term as President of Chile on Jan. 10th, 2014.

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