Hillary to be appointed President by UN

Hillary to be appointed President by UN


Harry the Greek

Michelle Bachelet, UN Chief. Please fast forward to one minute, 41 seconds


Former Secretary of State Hillary will be appointed President by the United Nations (UN).

No matter who is elected President in November 3rd.

The winner will be removed.

By the UN.

And appoint Hillary Clinton President.

Mental Health as a Human Right was started by President Barack Obama by signing Executive Order 13625 on August 31st, 2012.


Obama Executive Order logo banner.png
Obama ex ordere mentla health aug 31st 2012.png
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The U.S. has reaffirmed it by:


Mental health was made a Human Right under UN International Law on May 1st, 2013.

This is one of their 50-page documents that the UN said made it so:


President Obama’s Mental Health Task Force made it a top secret military operation with this 91-page document dated May 13th,2013:


A Task Force it is a:

  • top secret military operation

  • without accountability

  • with no limits on spending

Michelle Bachelet is the UN’s High Commissioner of Human Rights.

According to her, she can rule that either Trump or former V.P. Joe Biden are mentally unfit to serve as President.

The UN Chief will then appoint Hillary Clinton, President.

Former Ambassador Susan Rice will be appointed Vice President.

The next story is:

“Who is Susan Rice?”

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Story was generated by a tip from David Underdown.

Detroit Dave.


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