UN Chief says COVID-19 is a racist virus

UN Chief says COVID-19 is a racist virus

Michele Bachelet. Chief Operating Officer of the United Nations (above).


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Michelle official title at the United Nations (UN) is High Commissioner of the Human Rights Council.


The above video is dated June 17th.

The UN Chief said, “the segregated data indicates that members of racial and ethnic minorities . . . are more likely to die of COVID-19. This is particularly true of people of African descent.”

Congress is about to pass House Bill 7120 making her in charge of all local police review boards in the U.S. 


The High Commissioner also said that the U.S. should make reparations including the costs of vaccinating, treating, and researching the China virus.


Since the U.S. is responsible for the global slavery trade.


Even in her home country of Chile.

And Africa.


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UN PR June 10th 2020 racism violence.png

According to a UN press release dated June 10th, America is a racist society.


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