Immigrants, non-citizens have tripled in U.S. since 1980

Immigrants, non-citizens have tripled in U.S. since 1980

Non-citizens and immigrants are now up to 43 million, one out of eight residents. This is the highest percentage in 106 years, according to Monday's report released by the U.S. Census Bureau. In 1980, only one of 16 residents were foreign-born.

According to Steven Camarota of the Center of Immigration Studies, the immigration population has:

  • Doubled since 1990
  • Tripled since 1980
  • Increased four fold since 1970

"One-third of children living in poverty live in an immigrant household," said Camarota. "Half of immigrant households receive some form of welfare."

"It (immigration) is not the weather. It is something (immigration) we can control", said Camarota.

"What number can we assimilate? What makes sense for our (U.S.) country?", asked Camarota. These "questions are seldom ever asked."

Census immigrant growth.png

Steve Camarota from the Center for Immigration Studies

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