Subscriptions spike 62% at NY Times since Trump bump

Subscriptions spike 62% at NY Times since Trump bump

Digital subscriptions have spiked 62 per cent at the New York Times (NYT). Newspaper susbscriptions are up nine per cent. Since the Presidential Election, "our subscriptions have skyrocketed", said Nick Dudich, Audience Strategy Editor, New York Times.

"The Trump bump!", said Desiree Shoe, Senior Staff Editor, in the Times' London, England offices.

Shoe admitted "that 90 per cent" of her digital front page content is "biased". She designs the Times to make the President look "crazy" and "incompetent" so that people decide "not to vote" for him.

"The main objective is to grab subscribers. You do that any way you can," said Shoe. "What else is a company supposed to do? Bias is what subscribers want."

As Senior Staff Editor, Shoe's job is to pick the top stories or as she says it, "to curate the front pages."

Her comments start at the fifth minute of the video below.

"Our main stories are supposed to be objective," said Shoe. "It's very difficult in this day and age to do that, It's hard to treat the President in an unbiased light."

"Mike Pence is fu**ing horrible. Worse because he is extremely, extremely, religious. Extremely religious. I think maybe, possibly worse than Trump."

She suggests Pence's religious faith makes him unfit to lead.

"You can have your liberal bias," said James O'Keefe, Editor-in-Chief of Project Veritas. "Just don't let anyone know about it."

At the New Your Times, "Objectivity takes back seat to a political agenda," said O'Keefe. "Journalism takes a back seat to fake news. And the truth takes a back seat to money."

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