Mike Flynn's sentencing is July 15th

Mike Flynn's sentencing is July 15th

Mike Flynn (above)

Mike Flynn has two more court hearings.

He will be sentenced on July 15th.

Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI.


The court accepted Flynn’s guilty plea on Dec. 18th, 2018.

The 62-page sentencing transcript is linked here:


Flynn court March 13th.png

Flynn’s second hearing is Friday.

It is to determine whether his five-year sentence will be reduced by Judge Emmett Sullivan.


Robert Mueller was the original prosecutor in the Flynn proceedings.


It started on Nov. 30th with Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI.

Flynn waived his rights to a trial, appeal, and Grand Jury hearing.

Flynn Intel Group Inc. filed six documents with the Justice Department (DOJ) identifying the firm as a foreign agent or spy for Turkey.


The documents were filed six months late.


The registration tells the DOJ that Mike Flynn no longer represents the best interests of the U.S.

Instead, Flynn Intel Group pledges allegiance to Turkey.

A summary of the filings are public record on the Department of Justice (DOJ) web site.

They are imaged here:

Flynn FARA registrations six all dated March 7 2017.png

FARA stands for Foreign Agents Registration Act.

A 13-page supplemental filing was also made March 7th, 2017 for Flynn Intel Group.

Mike Flynn signed the paperwork linked here:


According to the filings, Flynn Intel Group represents Fethullah Gulen.

According to the Turkish government, Gulen is in charge of “armed terrorist group” that attempted to overthrow its President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


The public registration of Flynn’s firm’s activities is imaged here:

Flynn Intel Group FARA applcation 2017.png
Flynn paid $145k Inovo for Sept 2016.png

Flynn Intel Group Inc. was hired by another lobbying group representing Turkey called Inovo BV on Sept. 15th, 2016.

Flynn lobbying 2016 top half.png
Flynn lobbying app signed by Robert Kelley.png
Flynn middle Netherlands Inovo BV.png

Inovo paid $530,000 to the Flynn Intel Group.


Flynn Intel Group hired Sphere Consulting LLC also known as SGR to plant articles in various media outlets starting with “The Hill”.

Flynn hired SGR LLC .png
Flynn SGR cover for Sphere Consulting.png
Flynn SGR bottom panel.png
Flynn Sphere Consulting second office in Chicago.png
Flynn Sphere owner.png
Sidney Powell, Jessie Liu, and Covington keep bungling their way through Flynn case

Sidney Powell, Jessie Liu, and Covington keep bungling their way through Flynn case

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Judge to rule Tuesday on whether to delay Flynn's sentencing another 60 days