These four lies impeach Flynn's testimony

These four lies impeach Flynn's testimony

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Mike Flynn’s signature on four pieces of paper destroys his credibility as a witness.

That is why prosecutors will never have Flynn testify in court.

Flynn lied in writing to:

  • President Donald J. Trump

  • FBI

  • Justice Department (DOJ)

  • Congress

Flynn served as National Security Adviser for President Donald J. Trump.

Flynn lied to the FBI and is anticipating a five-year sentence from Judge Emmett Sullivan on July 15th.

Jessie Liu signed off for the Justice Department in D.C. where Flynn was charged.

Liu agreed to a plea deal on Dec. 1st, 2017.

It that would have allowed Flynn to walk away from a felony conviction without serving a day in jail.

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What good is the testimony of one who signed a confession admitting that he lied to the FBI?

Judge Sullivan has already said Flynn’s testimony is worthless.

But there are three other lies that Prosecutors have withheld from Federal Court Judges Anthony Trenga and Sullivan.

Trenga has one of the Flynn cases.

It is in the District Court of Alexandria, Virginia.

Defendants are:

  • Mike Flynn (a party to the alleged criminal acts but yet unnamed as a defendant)

  • Bijan Kian Rafiekian

  • Ekim Alptekin

  • Kristen Neller Vanderame (another party to the alleged criminal acts but yet unnamed as a defendant)

These defendants were partners in Flynn Intel Group and Inovo BV in the Netherlands.

Inovo was a company the Flynn trio partners were involved in with one of their attorneys, Kristen Neller Vanderame.

The email exchange below was ONE DAY after President Donald J. Trump was inaugurated:


Gissou is Bijan’s wife.

They run Kianco USA. The company makes pipelines.

Flynn, Kian, and Alptekin, however, remain partners in the 31 companies of Diplomatic Group of Companies.

The Diplomatic Services Group is the parent company of Transport Logistics Inc. in Fulton, Maryland.

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Ekim Alptekin (above) represents the Diplomat Group, holding one of their model airplanes

TLI paid a $2,126,622.36 fine for paying bribes in the second of four Uranium One cases prosecuted by Rod Rosenstein.

Trenga will dismiss the case against Flynn, Kian, Alptekin, and Vanderame on Friday.

Trenga has already disallowed all the evidence that could make four allegations of:

  • money laundering

  • bribery

  • kickbacks . . .

. . . in Uranium Two stick.

Uranium Two was the sale of $150 billion of uranium to Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Israel.

What proof is there that Flynn lied to the Justice Department regarding Uranium Two?

The House Oversight Committee posted this eleven-page timeline of the events of Uranium Two starring Mike Flynn.

It is linked here:

Flynn lied to President Donald J. Trump on Feb. 11th, 2017.

Flynn was getting paid from 26 companies, four of them based in Russia, since 2014.

The statements Flynn signed that he was never paid by any of them.

Flynn, however, signed financial disclosures admitting that he was a foreign agent before being named to Trump’s cabinet.

Then Flynn lied three times in his financial disclosures to the Justice Department.

They were filed on:

  • Feb. 11th, 2017

  • March 31st, 2017

  • Aug. 3rd, 2017

Flynn lied to the Justice Department in his Foreign Agent Registration Act filings on March 7th, 2017.

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Flynn lied to Congress.

He signed this false “Truth in Testimony” Disclosure Form on June 10th, 2015, according to Elijah Cummings (D-MD).

It was proven false when Flynn filed financial disclosures with the President and Justice Department admitting that he was paid by Russian-based companies since 2014.

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Flynn SMoker bottom half of page one June 10th 2015.png

According to Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Flynn was warned by the Defense Intelligence Agency in a six-page letter dated Oct. 8th, 2014 against accepting foreign payments as he entered retirement.

He decided to cash in anyway.

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Mike Flynn (right) having dinner in Moscow in Dec. 10th, 2015 with Russian President Vladimir Putin. They were celebrating the tenth anniversary of RT, the Russian Television Network.

Moscow dinner dated Dec. 10th, 2015

Flynn, CIA, Kian used Kristen Verderame to launder money through Netherlands

Flynn, CIA, Kian used Kristen Verderame to launder money through Netherlands

Flynn's dark side revealed in his public financial disclosures

Flynn's dark side revealed in his public financial disclosures