Army National Guard to aid mandatory Covid shots to children next month

Army National Guard to aid mandatory Covid shots to children next month

The source is Gov. Gavin Newsome (D-CA).

According to the Los Angeles Times, since Newsome has declared a health emergency, California is under martial law.

Who is in charge of California then?

The U.S. Army.

California Public Schools open next month.

Over 25 percent of the nation’s public school children attend these schools.

However, as of April, public school enrollment has dropped because of its vaccine mandate.

How many governments have followed California’s lead?


Illinois and the District of Columbia.

California, Illinois, and the District of Columbia mandate Covid-19 shots for their public school children.

They are highlighted on the map below in green.

The 20 states highlighted in purple ban them.

California, however, fails to mandate Covid-19 shots for public school employees like teachers.

What will happen to families who refuse to get their children vaccinated?

Dr. Anthony Fauci recommends “lockdowns”.

Fauci is Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

But according to the CDC Director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, lockdowns fail to reduce Covid-19.

The CDC is the Centers for Disease Control.

Cities are being designed without cars, roads, or families

Cities are being designed without cars, roads, or families

Pfizer admits having “at least” 33 side effects from its clot shots

Pfizer admits having “at least” 33 side effects from its clot shots