Congress launders another $7.5 billion dollars through NATO

Congress launders another $7.5 billion dollars through NATO

Avigdor Lieberman and Nancy Pelosi. Lieberman is Israeli Defense Minister. Pelosi is Speaker of the House (D-CA).

Ten arms deals for $7,570,193,500 since January.

Today, Congress sold arms to these countries:

Delivery receipts?

Money transfers through banks in Cyprus and Turkey?


To who?

To which NATO generals and admirals?

Ask Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Speaker of the House of Representatives.

And the person handing out the checks.

Lt. Gen. Charles W. Hooper.

In charge of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

Without an Inspector General.

That means no:

  • oversight

  • accountability

Hooper photo with caption image.png
Major Arms Sales top banner headline one.png
Major Arms Sales two.png
Major Arm Sales three image.png
Federal Register March 17th 2020 banner head BEST.png
Pelosi sales to Israel image.png
Pelosi selling arms Poland March 17th 2020.png
Pelosi Netherlands sale image.png

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