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Sidney Powell flubbing Flynn case

The FBI notes and reports of their 19 interviews with Mike Flynn.

According to his court filings, Flynn’s defense centers around these reports.

The FBI calls them 302’s, the number on this report form.

Flynn alleges they have been changed..

To his disadvantage.

To make him out to be a bad guy.

To help prosecutors get him to plead guilty to lying to the FBI.

Assume this is true.

Where is the testimony of Joe Pientka III?

And Peter Strzok?

Pientka was Strzok’s boss.

They wrote the reports on Flynn representing the CIA and FBI.

Neither Pientka or Strzok have been subpoenaed on what they wrote.


The focus is on two of 19 Flynn interviews.


Where are the other 17?

Do they help Flynn prove his guilt or innocence?

His attorneys never asked for them either.

Or a reversal of his guilty plea.

Flynn’s sentencing is Jan. 28th at 11 a.m.

Updated Jan. 18th, 2020

Flynn filed a motion to reverse his plea in the afternoon this story was posted.

If successful, Flynn can face additional felony charges including treason.

Mistakes like this happen when your attorneys have never tried a criminal case or filed a criminal appeal.

Instead of five-years, Flynn’s attorneys just opened up to 20-years or more.

Or worse.

What is the penalty for treason?

Source is Robert Mueller, former Special Prosecutor.