ProPublica is fake news

ProPublica is fake news

Paul Sagan (above)

Paul Sagan is on the Board of Directors of Moderna.

The company manufactures experimental COVID-19 shots.

Sagan is also Board Chairman of ProPublica, a media organization.

“Journalism in the Public Interest” is ProPublica’s motto.

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Sagan was also Senior Advisor to the World Economic Forum from 1997 to 1998, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the United Nations (UN).

The Forum is based in Geneva, Switzerland, home of the United Nations.

Sagan advised both on internet “technology strategy.”

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How does Sagan avoid being investigated for insider trading?

Could it be because Mrs. Peter Strzok, Melissa Hodgman, is in charge of SEC investigations?

What does this say about the people who work for ProPublica?

Or the people who renew rather than cancel their subscription to it?

ProPublica refers to “subscriptions” as “donations.”

Donations shields ProPublica from having to pay taxes on its income.

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825,000 Vets sent their DNA to China

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Mark Hazelwood to testify against Jimmy Haslam?