Prosecution said Flynn failed "to accept responsibility", recommends up to six months in jail

Prosecution said Flynn failed "to accept responsibility", recommends up to six months in jail

Former Special Prosecutor and FBI Director, Robert Mueller (above)

Prosecutors said today that former General Mike Flynn failed “to accept responsibility” for lying to the FBI.

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Flynn’s lawyers anticipate a five-year sentence.

Defense attorneys have until Jan. 22nd at noon to respond to today’s motion.

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Prosecutors’ filed a 33-page sentencing memorandum today in Federal District Court of the District of Columbia.

It is imaged and linked here:

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Judge Emmett Sullivan failed to reschedule a sentencing date.

Prosecutors also filed six attachments to supplement today’s motion.

It added another 137-pages.

The Judge has to recount how many times Flynn asked for a delay in sentencing.

It has been three years since Flynn pled guilty on Dec. 18th, 2016.

Former Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller recommended no jail time for Flynn.

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Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flynn (above)

Six Attachments in today’s filing

Attachment One:

Attachment Two is Flynn’s Grand Jury testimony dated June 26th, 2018, 38-pages:

Attachment Three is FBI Agent Joe Pientka’s five pages of notes of Flynn interview dated June 25th, 2018.

It took Judge Sullivan three years to get this for the Justice Department:

This may be the key in reversing Flynn’s guilty plea.

Did Pientka alter Peter Strzok’s notes of Flynn taken Jan. 24th, 2017?

Here they are.


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According to Mark Meadows (R-NC), Pientka was on Mueller’s prosecuting team who did 19 FBI interviews with Mike Flynn.

Meadows also said Pientka was taking notes during Peter Strzok’s interview with Flynn on Jan. 24th, 2017.

Attachment Four:

Flynn Intel Group lawyer, Rob Kelner, called their scheme a kickback of $40,000. Refused to call them “refunds”.

Seven pages of emails between Flynn Intel Group partners:

  • Ekim Alptekin

  • Mike Flynn

  • Bijan Kian Rafiekian

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Rob Kelner (middle with glasses), former attorney for Mike Flynn with his client, Flynn (right).

Attachment Five:

FBI interviews Brian Smith of Covington & Burling.

One of Kelner’s associates.

Attachment Six:

FBI Agent Joe Pientka interview of Rob Kelner June 21st, 2018.

Pientka submitted his eight-page report July 27th, 2018.

His name has black out over it.

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