Flynn’s failure to testify means five years for him and contempt charges for the lawyers

Flynn’s failure to testify means five years for him and contempt charges for the lawyers

Miss Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn (above)

Michael Flynn was supposed to testify in the Flynn Intel Group case last week in Alexandria, Virginia.

He never did.

Flynn hoped his testimony would reduce his five-year sentence for lying to the FBI.

Instead, Flynn is facing new charges as a co-conspirator for:

Flynn was President Donald J. Trump’s National Security Advisor.

Flynn resigned on Feb. 13th, 2017.

Flynn’s guilty plea in the D.C. case dated Dec. 1st, 2017 is attached here:

Flynn’s business partner was Bijan Kian Kiani Rafiekian.

Kian was found guilty on two charges last week by a jury.

Guilty for being a Turkish spy.

Guilt in a conspiracy with others to lie to the FBI.

Flynn is alleged to be a co-conspirator with Kian.

Both sets of attorneys declined to have Flynn testify.

Prosecutors said Flynn’s testimony was untruthful and unreliable.

Defense attorneys filed motion upon motion to prevent Flynn from testifying too.

Then the defense said to the jury:

“Where is Mike Flynn?”

After the defense suppressed any and all evidence with Flynn’s name on it.

Here is a sample of a motion to suppress filed by the defense.

It is 113-pages and is linked here:

Prosecutors had Flynn’s attorney, Rob Kelner, testify that:

“Mike Flynn has a story to tell.”

Kelner said kickbacks were involved with the CIA and Flynn and Kian had knowledge of them.

Contempt charges and jail time for the prosecutors and defense attorneys are anticipated.

Both sides lied to the Judge.

First, Robert Mueller.

Former Special Prosecutor.

Mueller told Judge Emmett Sullivan, D.C. District Court, to delay Flynn’s sentencing because Flynn:

“. . .could testify in the EDVA case should it proceed to trial.”

EDVA stands for the Federal Eastern District of Virginia court in Alexandria, Virginia.

Mueller’s signature is on that statement dated March 12th is imaged here:


Next up is Jessie Liu.

She heads the U.S. Attorneys Office in the District of Columbia.

Liu has to sign off at the conclusion of all the prosecutions’ cases in D.C.

She told Judge Sullivan on June 14th that Flynn will testify.

Liu and Powell June 14th Flynn will testify.png
Liu Powell middle panel Flynn testify.png
Liu Powell bottom panel Flynn testify.png

Who else lied to the Judge?

Lawyers for the defense.

Miss Sidney Powell.

Flynn “will testify”, she said on June 14th.

Powell June 24th page six Flynn will testify.png

Miss Powell is pictured with her client, Mike Flynn, at the top of this story.

Flynn’s sentencing has been delayed umpteenth time.

A status hearing on the first Flynn criminal case is set for Aug. 27th at 11 a.m.

In the D.C. courtroom of Judge Sullivan.

Will the Judge find Mueller, Liu, and Powell guilty of contempt?

“Bring a toothbrush”, said the Judge.

Sullivan status Aug 27th 2019 Flynn .png

What evidence is the Flynn Intel Group case hiding?

  • Hillary’s emails.

  • Uranium Two: the sale of $250 billion worth of nuclear reactors to nine countries in the Middle East funneled through Saudi Arabia

  • the FBI spying on the Trump campaign both before and after his election to U.S. President

For more detail, the George Webb Channel on YouTube documents each and every detail:

Will Mike Flynn testify in new trial?

Will Mike Flynn testify in new trial?

Fox’s foreign agent, Doug Schoen, still trying to take out President Trump for Hillary

Fox’s foreign agent, Doug Schoen, still trying to take out President Trump for Hillary