Rod Rosenstein's wife, Lisa Barsoomian, is Deep State's SES lawyer on-call for Clintons, CIA, and FBI

Rod Rosenstein's wife, Lisa Barsoomian, is Deep State's SES lawyer on-call for Clintons, CIA, and FBI

Justice Department attorneys Rod Rosenstein and his wife, Lisa Barsoomian

Lisa Barsoomian works for the Senior Executive Service (SES) in the CIA Office of General Counsel (OGC).

As a Senior Executive Service (SES) hire, Mrs. Rosenstein holds a position between a cabinet post and the other agency positions.

Unlike cabinet posts, SES employees are exempt from termination and Congressional confirmation. They are also unelected and unaccountable.

The Deep State created the Senior Executive Service to create a permanent bureaucracy.

Presidents, however, come and go.

As a federal government attorney, she has represented the CIA, FBI, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, James Comey, and other federal agencies multiple times.

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Pages One and Two. Eight names down on page two in first column

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Her work email may say National Institute of Health (NIH) or Health and Human Services (HHS). The NIH is part of HHS.

However, in the NIH-HHS’ listing of personnel in their Office of General Counsel, Mrs. Rosenstein is nowhere to be found.

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Mrs. Rosenstein’s official job title in the Office of General Counsel (OGC) is "Managing or Operating Manager".

“The CIA Office of General Counsel (OGC) is an independent office of the CIA that is headed by the General Counsel and assists the General Counsel in carrying out his statutory and other responsibilities.” 

In the CIA, the Office of General Counsel “has more than 100 attorneys, who are involved in providing counsel on a wide range of CIA activities, such as clandestine collection, counterintelligence, covert action, counterterrorism, counterproliferation, counternarcotics.”

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Where did Rod Rosenstein and Lisa Barsoomian first meet?

On opposite sides of the table during the impeachment proceedings of President Bill Clinton.

Husband, Rod Rosenstein was on Ken Starr’s team with Brett Kavanaugh. They were in charge of investigating the impeachment of Clinton.

Wife, Lisa Barsoomian was on the legal team defending President Clinton.

A spouse is exempt from testifying against their spouse.

Both are proteges of Robert Mueller and James Comey, former Directors of the FBI.

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Mr. and Mrs. Rod Rosenstein

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