Supreme Court to decide whether a citizen has the right to damages for treason by the President, VP, and Congress

Supreme Court to decide whether a citizen has the right to damages for treason by the President, VP, and Congress

The source is the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here is the case:

The case could break anytime before Nov. 23rd.

The Justice Department has failed to file an answer.

They represent the President, VP, and Congress.

Raland Brunson’s audio explaining his case is attached here:

The key to the case is suing public officials for failing to protect the country from security breaches.

What breaches?

For paying for rigging their re-election using fraudulent voting machine systems.

Approved by the President, V.P., and Congress.

Public officials are being sued personally for damages for these security breaches.

Including unidentified John & Jane Doe defendants who work for local Election Boards.

That means they have to pay the cost of their defense.

The Supreme Court has had enough from the other branches of the federal government:

  • the media

  • the Deep State

  • Congress

  • the President and V.P.

Who is Raland Branson?


Monday, the Supreme Court dismissed the case for failing to state a claim.

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