Trump's Secret Saudi Arms Deal is $500 billion

Trump's Secret Saudi Arms Deal is $500 billion

A copy of the treaty with the Saudis is "unavailable", according to the U.S. State Department. The White House has also failed to release a copy of the Arms Deal dated May 20th. In it, Saudi Arabia is to receive fighter jets and other items of defense.

President Donald Trump said that deal is worth $350 billion. In the last video, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the deal is upward of $500 billion. (fast forward to the third minute).

To which side? Who benefits? How?

On June 9th, the U.S. State Department said, "We regret that we cannot accommodate your request (for a copy of the treaty) at this time".

A Saudi Arabian sword dance is to celebrate a great national event. It used to mean, "War!". The first video is the sword dance celebrating the treaty between President Donald Trump and the Royal Saudi Arabia Family.

The Three Stooges had a different way of celebrating arms used in war. They called it, "Hippity Hop at the Barber Shop". The Stooge version of the sword dance is in the "Boot Camp" episode, video two. Fast forward 30 seconds to start the routine. 

Another Stooge celebration, "Manual of Arms", is in video three.


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