Navy admits expanding Saudi terrorist pilot training program

Navy admits expanding Saudi terrorist pilot training program

Without background checks.

From a dozen in in the Twin Tower Saudi terrorist attacks on Sept. 11th, 2001 to 852 as of three weeks ago.

Saudi pilots embassy photo best one.png

Congress approved a three-year budget of $389,617,037 for the Saudi terrorist training program divvied up between the:

  • Navy

  • State Department (DOS)

  • Department of Defense (DOD)

The money was for:

  • next year

  • this year

  • last year

Source is a 458-page Congressional report released in April.

It was written by the:

  • Department of Defense (DOD)

  • Department of State (DOS)

A second report was written Nov. 27th, 2017.

It has 318-pages.

The data on money spent for Saudi Arabia in pilot training is imaged here:

Saudi DOD Navy training totals 2017 18 19 page 61 image Sec Four.png

That was for 5200 Saudi Arabia pilot trainees.

Or $24,975.45 per pilot.

Saudi stats page six of 458 122k in 2016 image.png
Saudi 411 page congress report on training 2016 and 2017.png

The cost was a trillion dollars when all 155 countries were included.

$953,900,000 to be exact.

The report has 58,500 line item expenses spread over 318-pages.

The Pentagon’s budget is less than that.

$892 million.

The Navy admits expanding its Saudi terrorist trainee pilot program.

The State Department issued:

  • more than 980,000 temporary, non-citizen, immigrant visas to Saudi nationals over the last ten years

  • 5,500 temporary visas were issued this year to Saudi military personnel

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