OH Gov. DeWine part of child trafficking ring in Haiti

OH Gov. DeWine part of child trafficking ring in Haiti

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, above, to the right, in Haiti, a year ago. The student is unidentified.


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European Adoption Consultants (EAC) of Strongsville, Ohio (Cleveland-Akron).

Caught trafficking children.

Selling and kidnapping them.

Paying bribes.

In 12 countries.

Including Haiti.

According to Ted Coley of the State Department.

Coley certifies international adoption agencies for the U.S.

And cancels them.

On Dec. 16th, Coley cancelled the international adoption license.

For European Adoption Consultants (EAC) formerly of Strongsville, Ohio (Cleveland).

Citing 18 violations


Coley said it was the first time his agency closed down “an international adoption agency for any length of time.”

Upheld in federal court on May 28th.

Operating since 1991.

No one noticed until Dec. 16th, 2016.

No convictions.

Or jailed for it.


Four former European Adoption Consultants’ employees, including its Director, have been charged with paying bribes and falsifying documents.

One, Mrs. Robin Herring Longoria, has pleaded guilty to conspiracy.

Her sentencing has been delayed five times since August last year.

Herring-Longoria is to be sentenced on Oct. 14th in Cleveland Federal Court.

Details of the court case are in this story:


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Please fast forward the video in this story link to 35 seconds:


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What took so long?

DeWine covered it up.

When he was Ohio Attorney General.

His office was responsible for regulating state charities.

And protecting the public from fake ones.


Instead, DeWine shielded the Strongsville adoption agency from criminal prosecution.

Promoting child slavery instead.

With help from his Chief Advisors:

  • Ann O’Donnell

  • David Yost

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David Yost, Ohio Attorney General (above)

Ohio Attorney General Yost was also directly involved in the cover up.

Yost was Ohio Auditor of State from 2011 to 2019.

And a former reporter for Ohio’s largest newspaper.

The Columbus Dispatch.

In Columbus, Ohio.

The State capital.


When DeWine was Ohio AG, he sued the Strongsville adoption agency on behalf of families who lost money paying adoption fees into a scam charity.

Neither Yost or DeWine found any victims.


According to court records from their law suit.

In Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court.

In Cleveland, Ohio.

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What happened to the children?

Editor’s note

The State Department no longer is responsible for monitoring international adoption agencies.

They no longer want the responsibility.

Nor do they want to held accountable for their mismanagement.

Instead, they transferred it to a non-profit organization in Florida.

Called the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity Inc. (IAAME).


In other words, the UN retains control of international adoptions without State Department intervention.


In the history of international adoptions, only two have lost their license.

European Adoption Consultants.

And Little Miracles Inc.

On Aug. 14th.

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Debra Parras Edwards (above right) with Dolly in Haiti. At the time, she was working for European Adoption Consultants (EAC).

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