Six-foot social distancing all hot air?

Six-foot social distancing all hot air?

Answer: A fence


Try finding one.

Or two.

So why is anyone following it?

Or being forced to by their government?

Who is challenging the two-yard social distancing rule?


Shoulder-to-shoulder with other rioters.

And "peaceful" demonstrators.

They are never six-feet apart.

It is okay for them to be disease carriers.

Like lab rats.

And none of them have died from the China Fauci virus?

Never arrested and put in prison camps of 40,000 persons like in China.

Is the cure worse than the disease?

"There is a sucker born every minute".

Every second.

Every fraction of a second.

The whole planet has gone mad?

Over what?

A planned-demic scam.

A scamdemic.

Who is making money on it?

The vaccine companies.

Big Pharma.

And their biometric subsidiaries who are tracking your every move.

Defense contractors.

The military.

Who work for the defense contractors.

Who is letting them get away with it?

Who is going to stop them?

Jeffrey Prather YouTube Channel - Full Jeffrey Prather Interview With Farmer Jones https://ww...
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