Capitol guard to pay balance of $11.4 million contract to caterer who served troops raw chicken, metal shavings, and moldy oranges

The balance of the $11,442,500 contract is $3,388,800. It extends through March 21st. The caterer, Sardi’s Catering, never apologized, offered to replace its food, refund money, pay to replace the meals that were spoiled, or pay the hospital bills for 50 soldiers who got sick from their food. The Army National Guard said they will continue to pay Sardi’s Catering.

Biden's open borders, same day voting, instant citizenship acts

H.R. One (1) to be approved as soon as this afternoon. With Same Day Voting Bill. H.R. 65. Federal election laws to replace state and local ones. Enter the U.S. from anywhere. Bingo! Instant citizenship. Without verification or criminal background check. Money from welfare and Social Security. Free housing and health care. Open schools. H.R. 65 is 353-pages. H.R. One (1), the Instant Citizenship Act, is 791-pages.

Congress about to pass law to destroy Constitution

Sources are Congress, NBC, and Biden. House bill 7120 was reintroduced yesterday. It destroys the Constitution and the Supreme Court. Replaces it with the UN Human Bill of Rights. Local police to be replaced by UN's NATO troops and non-citizen mercenaries. Local, state, and federal courts with be replaced by Biden's Attorney General. No lid on spending. That bill, 6395, was passed last year. Over President Trump’s veto. Quarantine prison camps coming? Yep. Under a pending bill, 6666.

Pompeo still represents U.S. to the world for President Trump

In his new job, Pompeo will stay in contact with world leaders. To reassure them that Trump remains President and in control of the U.S. Military. Pompeo joins a legal team with Rick Grenell ACLJ. Rick was former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) for Trump. He oversaw CIA operations. Grennell was also Ambassador to Germany. He knows where the Dominion voting machine servers are. Used by the CIA in Frankfurt. They attempted to steal the Nov. Presidential Election from Trump.

COVID-19 vaccines unsafe?

No drug maker has claimed their COVID-19 vaccine is safe. They have never received FDA approval. Only for “emergency use”. China makes 80% of the vaccine’s ingredients and are of questionable purity. Long-term side effects are unknown.

CNN paid Sullivan $35,000 to film "the shooting at Capitol Hill"

CNN paid Sullivan $35,000 in advance of the Capitol terrorist attack. How did they know that a shooting would take place at the Capitol later that day? It was a two-hour video. Their employment contract was submitted into evidence yesterday. Sullivan wants to continue working for CNN. As an alternative to jail or house arrest. He is free without bond.

CNN, NBC has Utah ANTIFA Capitol terrorist leader on its payroll

John Earle Sullivan sued yesterday to maintain his employment at CNN, Australian Broadcasting, Rocky Mountain Public Media, and Left/Right LLC. Judge Robin M. Meriweather heard the case on President’ Day. In the Federal Court of the District of Columbia. Sullivan is charged with a variety of criminal charges stemming from the Capitol riots on Jan. 6th.