Cleveland still collects sin, parking taxes for stadiums built in 1995 & 1999

Cleveland still collects sin, parking taxes for stadiums built in 1995 & 1999

Extra taxes on cigarettes, liquor, and parking were passed by Cleveland City Council to help pay for a new sports stadiums. The stadiums were finished in 1995 and 1999.

So what happened to the tax?

It's still being collected.

"There is no such thing as a temporary tax", said Jim Rokakis, one of the bill's sponsors. Rokakis served as City of Cleveland Councilman and Chairman of its Finance Committee when the tax was passed. He is retired from politics. 

No comment from the City of Cleveland on why taxes on liquor, cigarettes, and parking are still being collected. And where it is being spent.

Alcoholic drinks.jpg
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"The problem is, we haven't done anything about it" said Mayor Jackson, Cleveland

"The problem is, we haven't done anything about it" said Mayor Jackson, Cleveland