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Flynn partner approved loans for Putin's VEB bank

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and Mike Flynn, Moscow, Dec. 10th 2015.

With Congressional approval, Bijan Kiani Rafiekian, helped finance loans through the U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank.

One of its recipients was Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It was for one of his banks, Vnesheconombank, also known as VEB.

Even though Kian no longer works for the Ex-Im Bank, the flow of money to Russia continues.

The money goes from Citibank and JP Morgan to VEB subsidiaries in:

  • Istanbul, Turkey

  • Kiev, Ukraine

Source is VEB bank of Russia:

In the past, some of the money was used to benefit two of Flynn’s partners:

  • Bijan Kiani Rafiekian

  • Ekim Alptekin

Congress has been approving loans for Russia since 1991.

Source is a press release dated Sept. 25th, 2003 from Export-Import Bank.

It is linked here:

Who knows what happened to the money or much the loans were for.

The Ex-Im Bank admits it is unable to document 40 per cent of its loans.

Some are marked “unknown”.

Sources are its own Annual Reports:

On Sept. 30th, Congress is set to schedule a vote to extend the charter of the Ex-Im Bank.

The Export-Import Bank was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on Feb. 22nd, 1934.

It was initially set up to finance the military industrial complex without a declaration of war.

President Roosevelt was former Assistant Secretary of the Navy for seven years.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (above)

Ex-Im Bank helped Putin buy EA Aerospace and the billion dollars of NASA technology associated with it.

Also representing Flynn Intel Group in Eclipse Aviation (EA), was:

  • Ekim Alptekin

  • Bijan Kian Rafiekian

Both are on trial in the federal district court in Alexandria, Virginia.

Mike Flynn is a co-conspirator with his partners.

Unlike Ekim and Bijan, Flynn has yet to be charged.

Kian has been found guilty of being a Turkish spy.

It is his second felony conviction.

He was also found guilty in a conspiracy to sell cocaine.

The next court hearing for Kian, Alptekin, and Flynn is Sept. 17th.

Bijan Kian Rafiekian was CEO and President of Flynn Intel Group.

Alptekin is President and CEO of:

  • the Turkish based EA Havilicek

  • Eclipse Aviation (EA)

  • Eclipse Aerospace (EA)

EA Havilicek is a joint venture with Putin.

It sells custom-made arms to NATO.

It is their description on their website:

Russia makes some of EA’s parts.

Ekim appointed Kian to its Board of Directors.

Source is Turkey’s Chamber of Commerce:

Evgeny Buryakov, also known as David Bolotin, was on the board and was active in representing:

  • Alptekin’s ETRIC in the Netherlands

  • Putin’s VEB in Moscow

Daniel Bolotin of ETRIC in the Netherlands is the same person as convicted Russian Spy, Evgeny Buryakov (above)

Putin ended up with Eclipse Aviation through a U.S. bankruptcy court.

He was the only bidder.

Russian collusion?

Carter Page was the CIA/FBI employee informant whose wire taps led to the arrest of Bolotin.

Buryakov was convicted of being a Russian spy.

Bolotin did 30-months in jail.

Buryakov was released on March 31st, 2017.

He was represented by White and Case.

Robert Mueller was a former partner there.

None of their partners or associates practice criminal law.

Other Export-Import Bank press releases featuring Bijan Kian:

Bijan Kiani Rafiekian (center) with Mike Flynn (right). The person on the left is unidentified.

Gissou Rafiekian (far left) next to her husband, Bijan and Lori Flynn (blue dress) with her husband, Michael, donning military medals

“EAD Aerospace, an Eclipse company, has just received an EASA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) covering the installation of its Satcom Universal Mounting System (SUMS) solution on a B777 aircraft.”

Translation: Eclipse Aviation = EA Havilicek = Eclipse Aerospace now doing business with Boeing.