House passes bill to pay for NATO mercenaries in 46 U.S. cities

House passes bill to pay for NATO mercenaries in 46 U.S. cities

George Floyd act 7120 passes House image june 25th 2020.png

The House passed a bill Thursday.

Called HR 7120.

The 135-page bill and report is linked here:


It is unlimited money starting at a billion dollars.

With no expiration date.

To replace local police.

With UN troops.

Including snipers.

From their military unit.


The North American Treaty Organization.

It is the final step of Operation Blackjack.

Started in 1998.

A U.S.military mission to destroy America from within.

And pay for permanent race wars.

Around the world.

The bill has been sent to the Senate for approval.

Or modification.

Like more money.

It becomes law.

When Joe Biden signs it as the new President.

Because President Donald J. Trump is no longer there to veto it.

The House version of the bill was passed in two and a half weeks.

The UN has their Human Rights police review boards readied in 46 cities.

Following their plan from 2004.


The law maintains diplomatic immunity for UN troops.

By giving Bill Barr’s Justice Department control of grant money to fund prosecutions.

Or in Barr’s case, who will his investigations target?

It also makes Barr a permanent Special Prosecutor.

Without supervision.

Barr is CIA.

It remains in his resume on the Justice Department’s official home page.

For more on Bill Barr, please click:

A copy of HR 7120 is linked here:

The first 46 cities to replace their local police with UN troops are listed in this article:

Each one of the House members in those “Strong Cities” are listed as co-sponsors of HR 7210.

Here is the first mention of money in the bill.

Imaged here:

Barr grants program image 7120.png
Barr grant money two bigger image.png
Barr tlhird source of grant money.png

The bill’s language is vague.

Does it mention the UN?


Does it mention NATO troops replacing local police forces from 125 cities around the world?


That is the point.

No mention of who gets the money means what?

Congress can send it anywhere.

To anyone.

Including their children.

And grandchildren.

Like the Biden’s.

Congress calls it “discretionary” money.

Taxpayers call it a blank check.


The bill also removes immunity for local police.

When a complaint is filed, even from a non-citizen, the Justice Department can remove that person from the force.

Please fast forward to three minutes, 40 second.

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Thank you!

Other related items from the United Nations

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Philadelphia is the first “Smart City”.

The Pentagon uses Philly and Columbus, Ohio as test sites for their tech weaponry.

Developed by DARPA.

DARPA logo.png

For use against the American people in “Strong Cities”.

“Strong Cities” are where the weapons are stores for United Nation mercenaries.

To kill American citizens.

And start race riots.

Philly strategie plan image.png
Smart City Philly yes Feb 7th 2019.png
Columbus Vulcan Smart City.png
Smart Cities PR Obama Sept 14th 2015.png
Smart Cities money from these fed agencies.png
Smart Cities 20 named universities.png

Please fast forward to eight minutes, 25 seconds.

Dated June 28th.

Updated July 10th

Senate July 13th 2020.png
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Senate calendar July 2 2020.png
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$2340 for a four-day COVID treatment readied for July

House passes bill to pay UN to run local police boards in 46 U.S. cities

House passes bill to pay UN to run local police boards in 46 U.S. cities