House passes bill to pay UN to run local police boards in 46 U.S. cities

House passes bill to pay UN to run local police boards in 46 U.S. cities

George Floyd act 7120 passes House image june 25th 2020.png

The United Nations (UN) have their Human Rights police review boards readied in 46 cities.

Anticipating another billion dollars to pay their people.


When bill HR 7120 passes the Senate.

And becomes law.

If President Donald J. Trump is no longer there to veto it.

The House version of the bill was passed yesterday.

In two and a half weeks.

A copy of the bill is linked here:

The 46 cities anticipating UN police review boards are listed in this article:

Here is the first mention of money.

Imaged from the bill:

George 100 mil for grants adopt fed police.png
George AG 3 qtr mil in grants for review bd.png
AG 7120 race .png

After the Senate reviews it, even more.

The bill’s language is vague.

Does it mention the UN?


Does it mention NATO troops replacing local police forces from 125 cities around the world?


That is the point.

No mention of who gets the money means what?

Congress can send it anywhere.

To anyone.

Including their children.

And grandchildren.

Like the Biden’s.

Congress calls it “discretionary” money.

Taxpayers call it a blank check.


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The Pentagon uses Philly and Columbus, Ohio as test sites for their tech weaponry.

Developed by DARPA.

DARPA logo.png

For use against the American people in “Strong Cities”.

“Strong Cities” are where the weapons are stores for United Nation mercenaries.

To kill American citizens.

And start race riots.

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