Bill to get musicians paid market value for their work never became law after Trump signed it

Bill to get musicians paid market value for their work never became law after Trump signed it

President Donald J. Trump signed HR 1551 yesterday. The bill gets musicians paid market value for their work.

It never became law.


The Swamp is filling up rather than draining.

The source is the Congressional Record. It is imaged here:

Music modern unsigned.png
Contact the White House.png
Screenshot_2018-10-12 Remarks by President Trump at Signing of H R 1551, the Orrin G Hatch—Bob Goodlatte Music Modernizatio[...](1).png

Updated Oct. 18th

The Music Modernization Act has been updated in the Congressional Record. It now shows up as “Became Law”.

Music act now law.png
Obama filled 38 per cent of the federal bench with a record 329 judges

Obama filled 38 per cent of the federal bench with a record 329 judges

Trump nominated 15 more federal judges yesterday

Trump nominated 15 more federal judges yesterday