Justices fear being murdered like Scalia

Justices fear being murdered like Scalia

Justice Antonin Scalia (above)

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According to the U.S. Marshals, federal judges received 4,469 threats last year.

The U.S. Marshals have been protecting federal judges since 1789.


This year, they received one from Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Federal courts have requested Congress approve:

  • $250 million to hire an additional 1000 U.S. Marshals assigned to protect federal judges

  • $7.2 million for personal home security systems

  • $267 million for outdoor federal court security systems

Congress failed to act on the bill yesterday.

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Robert Menendez (D-NJ) led the opposition to the bill.

He heads the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Four years ago, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote a legal opinion that resulted in Menendez being found innocent of bribery.

The Chief Justice’s opinion dated June 27th, 2016 is here:


The story is here:

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Response from Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. dated March 4th.

Official press release issued by the Supreme Court of the U.S.



Editor’s note

Story also vouched for by Larry Nichols.


Nichols is a former trusted adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Larry helped run Bill's political campaigns while Bill was President.

Nichols broke stories like the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

He had the semen stained, blue dress from Monica Lewinsky, a White House page.

It ignited President Bill Clinton's impeachment.

It was alleged that Lewinsky had sex with President Bill Clinton in the White House. 

Nichols also broke the story of the Iwan brothers.


They made untold millions by selling information while working in charge of the computer networks for the:

  • White House

  • Congress

  • Hillary Clinton

  • Democratic Party

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