Roe versus Wade to be reversed

Roe versus Wade to be reversed

Dobbs' case issues defined.png

According to the U.S. Supreme Court:

The Roe decision made abortion legal in the U.S. in 1973.

Chief Justice John Roberts has been in cahoots with the Biden Administration since March 15th to pack the court with pro-abortion federal judges.

Details of their support are in this story:


The Dobbs case has been continued 22 times in the last two years.

According to court records at this link:

The Supreme Court will hear the Dobbs case in two months.

Tip from the American Center for Law and Justice in Atlanta:

Bloomberg Sept 2nd 2021 SC blocked.png
TX Oct 4th 2021 update rejected Planned Parenthood.png

The Supreme Court sustained it on Sept. 1st.

In Texas, it is a criminal offense to perform an abortion 16 weeks after conception.

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