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Mark Hazelwood appeal Feb. 6th

Mark Hazelwood (above) with blue tie. The man on his right is unidentified.

It was scheduled yesterday.

The hearing will be in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Hazelwood was Jimmy Haslam’s right-hand-man at Pilot Flying J.

The company sells diesel fuel through truck stops in 750 locations in the U.S. and Canada.

Hazelwood was found guilty of stealing $10,405,836 from customers on Feb. 15th.

Hazelwood’ was sentenced to twelve and a half years in prison.

He has never served a day in prison.

Hazelwood is on house arrest.

And claims it is “too restrictive”.

Hazelwood was forced to sell his plane and yacht to prevent him from fleeing the country, said the Judge.

The Judge ruled Hazelwood a “flight risk”.

Once Hazelwood’s appeal has concluded, prosecutors anticipate charging 25 more persons in Pilot Flying J criminal conspiracy.

Sealed indictments for the next batch of indictments were filed under seal on August 3rd, 2018.

Jimmy Haslam signed a court order admitting that his company stole $56 million from 5600 customers in 2013.

His signed confession is here:

Haslam signed representing his company, Pilot, as CEO.

No criminal charges have been filed against him personally.


So far, 17 persons have been ruled guilty in the Pilot rebate fraud criminal conspiracy.