Caterpillar hired Strzok's boss to stop SEC probe

CAT never disclosed that they hired Peter Strzok’s boss, Randy Coleman, as their Chief of Security. Or that Randy also knew Melissa Hodgman too. She is Strzok’s wife. Hodgman works at the SEC. When she stopped the Hillary email investigation, she was promoted. The SEC’s and IRS’ eight-year probe into CAT stopped when Coleman was hired. It was an eight billion dollar tax fraud matter. Own any Caterpillar stock?

Judge Chutkan covered up Butina's role in Uranium One

Butina worked for Tenex, a Russian-owned uranium company. She fudged documents to make bribes paid to Vadim Mikerin look like legitimate business expenses. Butina became an FBI informant in 2011. Source is federal court documents filed by William Campbell. He was another FBI informant and lobbyist for Tenex. Billions were paid in bribes. The FBI only identified $2,126,622.

Trump's son and son-in-law to be charged in New York City by Justice Dept.

President Trump’s son, Donald Jr., and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, will be prosecuted by former members of the Mueller team in New York City. The Justice Department will hold a press conference any day in Manhattan to announce their criminal charges. They are currently under seal. William Barr’s prosecuting team is moving their probe of the President to the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York in Manhattan. Mueller’s team of prosecutors were previously based in Washington, D.C.

Cheney, Keene, Bolton, and NRA sabotaged Trump

Cheney, Keene, and Bolton go back 40 years to President Nixon. Keene started with Agnew, Nixon’s V.P. Bolton was an intern for Keene in 1974. “It appears the Russians . . . infiltrated the NRA,” said Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. Fusion was hired by a Russian lawyer to write two dossiers.