Vaccine for China virus has Sept. target date

According to the Army’s McCarthy. However, Alex Azar said the vaccine will be ready “in the spring”. He heads the HHS and is Fauci’s boss. Azar said clinical trials will start in Sept. China admitted on Jan. 6th that Wuhan was the source of the virus. Three companies are working with Fauci to develop the vaccine. It was delivered to him on Feb. 24th.

China gets free U.S. biodefense tech

And public officials lied about it. Sources are the Gov. of Nebraska, U. of Nebraska Medical Center, ABC, NBC, KETV, Associated Press. Lies caught on nine videos. What did they lie about? The University and the CDC giving free bioweapons research to China to develop a killer Wuhan virus.

Fauci said CCP virus originated in China

According to the NIH, the bioweapon CCP virus originated in China in December. Fauci is its Director. The admission is posted on his web site. The CDC said on Oct. 18th that 15 million people would be infected by Jan. What did they do with that prior knowledge? Nothing.

NATO's caddy: Dr. Anthony Fauci

NATO’s caddy, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Spreading the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus throughout the world. Transmitted by drafting U.S. National Guard troops for NATO. Virus transmitted when returning to the states from Europe. Timed to stop the reelection of President Trump. Is the lockdown “cure” worse than the disease?

Ground zero started at Winnipeg, Canada

The Pentagon sent 300 troops to participate in the Wuhan World Military Games in Oct. Wuhan, a city in China, has a population of 11 million. How many of the 19 American military athletes featured in this story have been diagnosed for Coronavirus? If so, when?

Sham Sentencing for two Uranium One defendants starts Weds.

Mark T. Lambert will be sentenced for receiving $1.154,079 in bribes. A week later, Daren Condrey, will be sentenced too. Condrey was an FBI informant who ratted out Lambert. Condrey pled guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud on June 17th, 2015. Condrey has never been sentenced, posted bail, or served a day in jail. Just like Lambert.

Paul Erickson to be sentenced Monday

Pled guilty to single counts of fraud and money laundering. Paul has been a gun runner and CIA informant since Iran Contra. Investors lost between $1.5 million and $3 million. The identities of the people who were defrauded and the amounts they lost remain sealed. Paul’s plea agreement limits his immunity to S. Dakota.

Bernie Sanders' slaves

Using volunteers working for nothing to Increase his personal wealth. Bernie’s a millionaire. With three houses. Working on becoming a billionaire. When the party tells Bernie to withdraw from the race, he will. Like in 2016. Set for another run in 2024.

Bidens' handlers for 39 years? The Donilons

Mike Donilon has been Senior Adviser to Joe Biden since 1981. Mike heads Biden’s Campaign for President. Tom Donilon and his wife, Cathy Russell have also been Joe and Jill Biden’s handlers. Tom was President Carter’s Assistant Secretary of State during the Iran crisis. Cathy was Ambassador of the State Department’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI).

NSA generated 434 million Call Detail Records from 14 FISA warrants

Using 14 warrants, the NSA was able to generate 434 million Call Detail Reports (CDR). Page One of the report released yesterday. The population of the U.S. is 327 million. The law is up for renewal on March 15th. Called USA Freedom Act. NSA also collected 19 million phone records from these 14 warrants. The NSA reported a year ago that they stopped the program. Without a vote of Congress.

FBI's newest surveillance server room is in Nairobi, Kenya

Sources are press releases from a week ago from the FBI, State Department, and U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. The purpose of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) is to operate CIA missions off book without knowledge of the President or Congress. There is nothing to stop the FBI from destroying evidence of CIA missions in Africa.

Buttigieg worked for Gen. Dunford and NATO

Source is Pete Buttigieg. He posted a picture on the internet dated Jan. 29th, 2017. Pete admitted working for Gen. Joseph F. Dunford and NATO. At the time of the photo, Dunford was the top ranked soldier in the Pentagon. He was Chairman of their Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Listen to Mark Hazelwood's Feb. 6th appeal

Just click the blue link in the story. Decision is pending. No date for its release. Upon its conclusion, prosecutors will file charges against Jimmy Haslam and 24 others. Pilot has expanded its business to include selling fuel to fracking operations throughout the country.