How corrupt is Swamp Judge Amy Berman Jackson?

A jury found Stone guilty of six counts of lying. One count of witness tampering. Who did he lie to? The FBI? No. With unknown people working for Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and the Trump Campaign. Who was the witness? The jury never said. Imaged is the official two-page jury verdict form. Up to nine years in jail. Sentencing tomorrow at 10 a.m.

"White Powder" Pete in Africa for 42 months with Strzok doing what where?

Buttigieg served 42 months in the military. Six months in Afghanistan. The rest in Africa and Yugoslavia, according to his service records. As a candidate for President, how long can “White Powder” or “Poppy” Pete run away from the truth? Buttigieg served from 2009 to Nov. 20th, 2017. Reporting to the United Nations and NATO rather than taking an oath to serve the U.S.


"Poppy" Pete part of Afghan poppies to heroin network

Since 2002, the U.S. sent $776 billion to Afghanistan for “the war” and $137 billion for “reconstruction”. According to a former director of the funds, 20 per cent was graft and 25 per cent went to the Taliban. Another third went missing. And the State Department let it happen. With Hillary Clinton in the middle of it.


Barr demotes prosecutor in Flynn case

Barr demoted Jessie Liu for mishandling the Mike Flynn case. Prosecutors withheld evidence from Trial Judge Emmett Sullivan for three years. Defense attorneys said prosecutors falsified, withheld, suppressed and lost their evidence too. Barr tried to cover up Jessie Liu’s “reasignment”. Liu was nominated Dec. 10th for a position in the Treasury by the President. Flynn’s sentencing date is Feb. 28th.

Comey's gang get away with falsifying FBI warrants

Judge James Boasberg is a member of Skull and Bones, Yale University, 1985. He was never confirmed by the Senate. Will he serve long enough to honor the “Get Out of Jail Free” cards for Dana Boente, Joe Pientka III, Robert Mueller, Andy McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, and Robert Mueller, Carlin, Yates.

Iran's underground missile cities

They are still there. Iran disclosed them Oct. 14th, 2015. The event was broadcast on Iranian television. Video is included. Iran signed the nuclear agreement three months after the U.S. did. Other countries signing the treaty were Russia, China, Great Britain, Germany, and France. The agreement is attached including its 86 amendments.

Prosecutors want Flynn free too

Prosecutors and Flynn’s defense attorneys are on the same side. They want Flynn to walk away from a five-year prison sentence for lying to the FBI. What changed? The trial judge was replaced. The new judge can change the deal. Sentencing for Flynn is Feb. 27th at 11 a.m.


Pientka absorbs Strzok's role in CIA/FBI

Peter Strzok reported to Joe Pientka for three years starting Oct. 2015. As partners, they coordinated plots to bring down Trump. Sources are the Inspector General, Mike Flynn, his attorney, and sworn testimony of Strzok and Bruce Ohr. Joe’s nickname is “Pow-Pow”. The sound a handgun makes when pulling the trigger twice.