Found server room in Ukraine

It is in the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine. Source is a joint press release dated Jan. 3rd, 2016 by the FBI and the Ukrainian crime unit called NABU. Includes four photos including the server and other computer equipment. National Anti-Crime Bureau of Ukraine is NABU.

Wife of NSA Inspector General helped him plot Trump coup in Ukraine

Sara Lord’s husband, Robert Storch, is NSA Inspector General. Worked together as Justice Dept. attorneys for FBI. Offices in U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine. They helped set up a Ukrainian crime unit, NABU, there. Purpose? Spy on Trump supporters. Protect Hunter Biden. She recruits Ukrainian law students to do some of the surveillance work. Husband Robert has done nothing to fix FISA abuses that were disclosed on Jan. 7th, 2016. Rather than fighting political corruption, they multiply it. To impeach President Trump.

Mark Hazelwood appeal Feb. 6th

Once the appeal is over, prosecutors anticipate charging 25 more persons. Sealed indictments for the next batch of indictments were filed under seal on August 3rd, 2018. So far, 17 persons have been ruled guilty. Jimmy Haslam is Pilot’s CEO. He also owns the Cleveland Browns, a professional football team.

Russia's tank tech comes from Ford

Ford has been doing business with Russia since May 31st, 1929. Using taxpayer dollars, Russia gets state-of-the-art tank tech for free. It comes from Ford, the Department of Energy (DOE), the University of Michigan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), U.S. Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC). GVSC is the Pentagon’s lead agency for developing robot defense combat ground vehicles. It is in Warren, Michigan, 20 miles northeast of Detroit.

Russia to build Detroit weapons factory

Rostec, a Russian company, does business in the U.S. under the Russian Weapons Company (RWC). It already has factories in Pompano Beach (Miami) and Las Vegas. RWC Group LLC owns Arsenal USA based in Las Vegas, Kalashnikov USA (Pompano Beach, FL), New Frontier Armory LLC (Las Vegas, NV), and Stellcom USA LLC (Pompano Beach, FL and Philadelphia).

Qatar behind impeachment, ANTIFA

The country of Qatar admits in court evidence that it “bought off” Jared Kushner for $1.4 billion. Qatar spent another $400 million in bribes to host the World Cup. D.C. lobbyists at $1.7 million a week. “As little as $50,000” to buy a Congressman, Senator, or Judge. Cost is $5000 to plant a fake story in the New York Times, Washington Post, or CNN. Costs double to cover it up.

Flynn, Powell lie again

Flynn’s group, IP3, partnered with S. Korea. Has he lost control of the $250 billion Uranium Two deal with Saudi Arabia? The deal gives the Saudis access to nuclear weapons. The Koreans are 18 per cent partners. They have been general contractor for Saudi Arabia’s nuclear projects since 2011. Can Flynn save the deal?

Erickson trial remains Dec. 3rd

Erickson is a gun runner. He was the catalyst of Crossfire Hurricane also called the Kremlin Connection. It was a CIA plot to kill the campaign of Donald J. Trump for President. It was coordinated in Congress by Adam Schiff (D-CA). It failed. Schiff will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Friday for the NATO Weapons Convention.

Butina's boyfriend to testify against Trump?

Paul Erickson pled guilty today to wire fraud and money laundering. They carry a maximum sentence of 40 years. To reduce his sentence, will he testify against Trump? Erickson has worked with Adam Schiff (D-CA) before in the “Kremlin Connection.” It was a take down attempt of Trump during his campaign for President.

Chuang's Kangaroo court hides CIA's role in Uranium One

David Ira Salem works for the CIA. And Justice Department. Just like Lisa Barsoomian. She is Rod Rosenstein’s wife. Salem is prosecutor in the ongoing criminal trial of Uranium One. Salem filed motions to suppress evidence involving the CIA’s role in Uranium One. He is protecting the CIA. Against the best interests of the Justice Department, FBI, and the American people. And the defendant, Mark Tutt Lambert. Theodore Chuang is the trial judge.