No specifics in Flynn Intel appeal

Last year Zack Terwillinger was Rod Rosenstein’s right-hand man in the Attorney General’s Office. Now Zack is running the U.S. Attorney Office in Eastern Virginia. He filed an appeal today in the Flynn Intel case. It has no specifics. How hard is he trying to win this appeal? About as hard as he tried winning it at the trial level?

U.S. deports Butina Friday

Evidence to be destroyed is big enough to include all the Russian/CIA compromise operations in the U.S. since 2010. It includes the names and photos of 72 students at American University who were Butina’s classmates. They worked as student spies with Butina. Other co-workers include people from the CIA, FBI, State Department, DNC, and CrowdStrike. She campaigned to get Hillary Clinton elected President.

Ukrainian server crashes CrowdStrike

The CIA runs a dedicated line to CrowdStrike. Its software has a backdoor. How else can the CIA monitor computer traffic and run their ops? Their server in Ukraine runs their secret illegal drugs, weapons, and money laundering ratlines through Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa. No wonder Crowdstrike stock has had 22 days of consecutive losses.

Judge, prosecutors, CIA fixed second Flynn Intel case

The Judge, Anthony Trenga, tipped his hand that the fix was in the day the case was filed. He signed an order approving destruction of the evidence. The prosecutor, James Gillis, signed it too. The jury knew the fix was in. That is why the defendant guilty. The deadline for refiling new charges is Thursday. When it passes, the evidence will be destroyed.

Crowdstrike brought down Flynn using Ukrainian hacking teams

Alperovitch configured the phones used in the Flynn takedown. Ukraine. Other CIA operatives, Joseph Mifsud and Fiona Hill were in on it too. The phones were unable to be detected by the NSA. CrowdStrike software can be hacked without encryption codes. It has a backdoor. Where else is U.S. intelligence data going? Flynn’s sentencing is Dec. 18th. Will he be released or sentenced to five years in prison?

Uranium One 17-day trial opens Oct. 24th

Mark T. Lambert is the fourth and only Uranium One case to go to trial. His former company, Transport Logistics, had a monopoly on transporting uranium contained in 45 Russian nuclear warheads. In 2014, a federal judge found no reason to charge Lambert. Rod Rosenstein headed the prosecution. Judge Theodore Chuang was assigned all four cases.

Flynn wore wire in Trump coup attempt

Mueller said Flynn agreed to “covert law enforcement activities” which included wearing a wire. Flynn’s lawyer, Miss Sidney Powell, said her client passed a CIA lie detector test April, 2016. She has never asked for a transcript of it. She already has it. And is fighting to keep it hidden from the public.

Judge rules tomorrow on Flynn Intel case

Judge Trenga rules tomorrow at 10 a.m. on whether to dismiss, affirm, or grant a new trial in the Flynn Intel case. Flynn’s partner, Kian, was found guilty. It was for conspiracy to falsify his role as a Turkish spy in Flynn Intel Group. Kickbacks of $80,000 were paid by the Turkish government to Flynn Intel Group.

Sidney Powell flimflammed Flynn

Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, said she has experience in handling 500 federal cases. According to court records, that number is 28. She has no trial or criminal law experience. What is she doing representing Flynn? Who is paying her?

Strzok running ops in the Hilton?

John Giacalone, Hilton’s Director of Global Security, has unlimited access to the FBI through a “Green Status” card. He used to be Peter Strzok’s boss. When he retired, John was the third highest ranking official in both the CIA and FBI. Is Strzok working as a CIA contractor for his old boss?

Third Flynn case to yield 14 documents out of three disc drives

Three key documents to be released in two weeks are the prosecutor’s sentencing report describing Flynn’s “cooperation”. Peter Strzok’s interview and report dated July 17th, 2017. Andy McCabe’s report and FBI 302 field interview dated Jan. 24th, 2017. Prosecutors said none of the requested documents connect President Trump’s campaign or administration to criminal wrongdoing.

Flynn partner approved loans for Putin's VEB bank

The former CEO and President of Flynn Intel Group, Bijan Kian Rafiekian, helped finance Putin’s VEB bank in Moscow. Kian worked with Evgeny Buryakov in NYC to finance deals for Putin. Carter Page was the informant who wire tapped Buryakov. It resulted in a guilty plea followed by FISA surveillance of Trump.

Turkish partner ties Flynn Intel to Russia and Israel

While an intern for Congress, Alptekin watched Barney, President Bush’s dog. Ekim appointed Kian to his Board of Directors at Eclipse Aviation. They spent Christmas’ together. Ekim is a defendant in the ongoing criminal matter of Kian and Flynn. They also represented Ratio Oil Exploration of Israel.