Judge, prosecutors, CIA fixed second Flynn Intel case

Judge, prosecutors, CIA fixed second Flynn Intel case

Prosecutors never intended on winning their case against against former Flynn Intel CEO and CIA operative:

Bijan Kian Rafiekian.

Neither did the trial judge, Anthony Trenga of the Federal District Court of Eastern Virginia, Alexandria.

They will prove both prosecutor and judge were in on the fix on Thursday.

That is when the deadline expires for the prosecution to refile a motion for a new trial.


In fact, the Judge tipped his hand that the fix was in the day the case was filed.

He signed an order approving destruction of the evidence.

The court order is imaged here:

Trenga destruction of evidence top face sheet stamped Dec 18th 2018.jpg
Trenga destruction panel two ORDER bottom two and top of three.jpg
Trenga destruction of evidence all signatures last panel Dec 18th 2018.png
Rafiekian BEST Flynn smiling photo.png

Bijan Kian Rafiekian (center) with Mike Flynn (right). Person to the left is unidentified.

Primary source for the Prosecutor fixing the case:


Gillis photo best smiling on boat blue.png
Trenga photo one.jpg

Judge Anthony Trenga (above)

Kian was convicted by a jury for conspiring to create a fake narrative to cover up his role as a Turkish spy with:

Flynn pictured with Erdogan son in law.png
Alptekin 2016 photo great podium.jpg
Verderame Ohio Willoughby image.png
Verderame bio with pic 1990.png


The jury, however found the defendant guilty.

The courtroom was packed with dozens of attorneys representing the defense and prosecution.

Most of the witnesses admitted they worked for the CIA.

The others tried to hide it.

The jury saw threw it.

It proved to the jury that the fix was in.

The media.

Out to lunch.

They were on Kian’s payroll.


The first Flynn criminal case concludes Dec. 18th.

Flynn plead guilty twice for lying to the FBI.


It is before Judge Emmett Sullivan, of the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia.

Flynn anticipates five years in prison.

His trial attorneys quit.

Flynn is left with attorneys with no criminal trial experience.

They are preparing his appeal.


The third case is a civil case also in D.C. District Court.

It is over the release of public documents.

Flynn’s attorneys have filed motion upon motion to block public disclosure of any documents with their client’s name on it.


There was one eye-witness report of the Flynn Intel trial.

Here is the video from the courthouse:

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