China's 18 patents used to steal Trump vote

Source is Canadian patent office dated Sept. 26th, 2019. Verified by the U.S. Patent Office and Dominion and NBC. Both Beijing Bidens, Hunter and Joe, were in on it from 2010. Joe’s son helped finance and profited from his father’s steal of the Nov. 3rd Presidential Election. Eric Holder’s law firm, Covington, represents Dominion in Beijing, China.

Supreme Court ready to rule Trump remains President

The election fraud rulings in Trump’s favor will be made next month by these four Associate Justices. Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in the Pennsylvania case. Brett M. Kavanaugh in the Michigan case. Amy Coney Barrett in the Wisconsin case. Clarence Thomas in the Georgia case. The Supreme Court will reaffirm these Circuit Court Appeals cases by Jan. 5th.

Trial in PA election case starts Thursday

Courts can duck the issue of fraudulent ballots. Their decision will be based on states’ rights to determine their own election laws. Can mail-in ballots be counted after the polls closed? No said the court, basing it on PA law. Trump was ahead by 700,000 votes in PA when the polls closed. If the decision stands, the President wins in PA.

Hazelwood, Wombold, Jones get new trial

They remain on house arrest. The jury’s guilty verdict was reversed on appeal. The case goes back to Judge Collier. He was called “prejudiced” by the three defendants, Mark Hazelwood, Scott Wombold, and Heather Jones.. They used to sell diesel and fracking fuel for Pilot Flying J of Knoxville, Tennessee. They were convicted of stealing $20,213,789 from their customers.

Judge orders cover-up in Ohio child slavery case

Selling children. According to the State Department and CNN. Managed by Lisa Page for European Adoption Consultants (EAC) in Strongsville, Ohio. Officially closed down May 28th. Repeat offenders cited in 2008. Margaret Cole Hughes. Robin Herring Longoria. Debra Parris Tufts. Covered up by Judge Christopher Boyko. Attorney General Bill Barr. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine.

Barr promoted Zink to hide child slavery network

Selling children like used cars. Trial starts Oct. 26th. Court shopping too. So that no one is charged promoting child slavery. First person in criminal network will plead guilty to fraud on Oct. 14th. Judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys all in on the fake prosecutions and cover up.

The evil behind Lisa Page's child trafficking ring

A scam started by Bush. Fueled with federal grants. Protected by diplomatic immunity. The child trafficking network for bioweapons is being covered up by Judge Christopher Boyko, Bill Barr AG, and Mike DeWine, Ohio Gov. The adoption scam started in 1991. In Strongsville, a Cleveland suburb. The story of the European Adoption Consultants (EAC).

Still no decision in Hazelwood's appeal

Another 25 to be charged including Jimmy Haslam. His wife, Dee, and son-in-law, JW Johnson, are running the Cleveland Browns. If case is reversed, it goes back to the same court before Judge Curtis L. Collier. Pilot admitting stealing $56 million from it customers. It resulted in the Haslam’s losing majority control of the company to Warren Buffett.