Senate to vote on House bills that replace Constitution with UN Bill of Human Rights

Blank checks for the UN, NATO, and the Pentagon. One bill is the Master Plan. The second one pays for it. The third is the lockdown bill. Refuse to get vaccinated for the China virus. Go to jail. Called quarantine camps. Two on the bills are about to voted on in the Senate. One passed the House in two and a half weeks. The money bill is 3470 pages long. How many Representatives in Congress read it?

How Congress hides what it spends

Call it national security. Then Pelosi’s Congress can spend it on anything they want. Like NATO troops in 46 cities who have defunded their police. And UN Human Rights Commissioners taking over local police review boards. Pay-as-you-go spending is now think and spend.

Employers to require yearly China flu shot

Yearly flu vaccines. Thanks to Mr. Pandemic, Rockefeller heir, George O’Neill. So employers can take away your rights. Instead of the government. Promotes Human Rights. Global Health. One World Government. Run by the United Nations. COVID-19, the China virus, is a flu.

Why has Barr failed to lockup Hillary?

Barr admits he is CIA. First paragraph of his official Justice Dept. resume. IG found all of Hillary’s 869,000 emails. What happened to them? Why has Barr failed to prosecute Hillary and the Clinton Foundation? Why has the President failed to replace him? What other evidence is Barr about to be ordered destroyed? House Bill 7120. Congress paying NATO mercenaries in 46 cities to kill Americans to start a race war. And to take over police review boards.

Hillary to be appointed President by UN

No matter who is elected President Nov. 3rd. According to the UN, the mental health of the President comes under UN jurisdiction. They can rule the President mentally unfit for office. And remove him. Enforced by the UN’s police force. NATO. Camped with armed troops in 46 Strong Cities in the U.S. Coordinated by the Army’s National Guard.

UN Chief says COVID-19 is a racist virus

Why? Because the virus is smart enough “to target people of African descent.” They die in higher numbers than other people in the world, according to UN research. Since the U.S. is responsible for slavery, America must pay damages. It includes the cost of treatment, vaccines, and research related to these killer viruses.

Imprisonment needed to stop viruses says UN Chief

This is the official policy of the United Nations. And their High Commissioner of Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet. She is Hillary Clinton’s sidekick in trafficking drugs and weapons in 46 U.S. cities. With diplomatic immunity, they are untouchable for any crimes they and their network commit.

Police unions sell out to Hillary and UN

Police unions.will be eliminated by Congress if HB 7120 becomes law. The bill combines all local police review boards into one. Ruled by the UN’s High Commissioner of Human Rights. Michelle Bachelet. A partner with Hillary Clinton since 2010. Are they still running drugs out of South America? How about the drug trade in America’s 46 “Strong Cities”? Enforced by the UN and its police force, NATO. Why are the police unions doing to stop this? Or are they part of the UN takeover of the U.S. too?

Butina's ex-sidekick sentenced to 84 months

FBI informant and CIA gun runner Paul Erickson was sentenced without having to repay $5.3 million he stole from investors. With his sidekick, convicted Russia spy, Mariia Butina. He was a conspirator in the Kremlin Connection. A part of Crossfire Hurricane. Plots to take down Trump. Five months before the Carter Page illegal warrants. Butina worked for Tenex, a uranium company in Moscow, directly linked to Putin.
