There is no need to wear a mask outdoors

One in a thousand. Or less. The source is N.Y. Times. “There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on the street or eating at a nearby table,” said David Leonhardt of the New York Times.

Feds covering up Ohio adoption hub who sold children to Somali sex gangs

Defense attorneys admitted it on April 19th. They represent Margaret Cole Hughes, former Director of European Adoption Consultants or EAC. Her case number is attached to 30 other defendants, Somali gang members, in a Nashville Federal Court case from 2010. EAC began selling children to Somali sex gangs in 2000. So far, no one has been prosecuted for child trafficking. And no one is expected to.

Haslam's former right-hand man to be retried Feb. 1st

Haslam is next to be charged. Prosecutors admitted filing 24 sealed indictments in the Pilot Flying J diesel fuel rebate criminal conspiracy case. Haslam admitted in writing that his company stole $56 million from its customers. It was this dirty money that helped him buy the Cleveland Browns, a professional football team. And allows his wife, Dee, to run the team.


McCabe's informant in Uranium One case to be sentenced Friday

He was an FBI informant for McCabe and Rosenstein. The defendant, Daren Condrey, pleaded guilty on June 17th, 2015. Until Friday at 2 p.m., he has been free without bail. Condrey imported weapons-grade uranium from Russia on behalf of the U.S. government. No inventory was required. A convicted Russian spy was the U.S. Sales Representative for Tenex, the company that exported the uranium from Russia. Her name was Mariia Butina.

CIA's Burns key diplomat in keeping peace with Russia

Burns may be the only person in the U.S. to negotiate peace with Russia over Ukraine. Biden called Russian President Putin “a killer.” Burns said China “poses our biggest geopolitical test.” The comment was made at Burns’ confirmation hearing before Congress last month. Burns is former Ambassador to Russia. He is fluent in Russian, Arabic, and French.

Biden's war policies

War against Russia over Ukraine. Support China in their military takeover of Japan. Send more troops to Afghanistan to support NATO. Expand NATO by accepting China as a member.

China made the most money from the Suez Canal blockade

Source? The China Communist Party (CCP). They bragged about it Tuesday. As if the Chinese military intentionally caused the Suez Canal blockade. China makes 98 percent of the world’s shipping containers. They own two-thirds of the world’s ports, including Los Angeles and Seattle. Trump made China sell the Port of Long Beach. The Obama Biden Administration sold China that U.S. port in 2012. Europe is China’s most important customer.

What hazardous materials are on the ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal?

The ship has a Hazard A license to ship hazardous materials like explosives, poisons, and radioactive materials. The call letters are “H3RC” for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Investors include Eric Schmidt, Google founder, and Blackstone. What will the salvage company find when they start unloading containers to free the grounded Ever Given? The Russian and U.S. Navies are converging on opposite ends of the Suez Canal.

Biden welcomes back Ebola

With open borders. Biden said it is okay for Africans infected with Ebola to travel to the U.S. through six “undisclosed airports”. Which six? It is a secret. Ebola from the Congo has been a “public health emergency of international concern” since July 17th, 2019. Dr. Fauci’s solution? No one can stop Ebola.

How soon will Flynn's son be prosecuted as a Turkish spy?

Yes. Based on yesterday’s court decision. The Justice Department appealed the Kian decision to prosecute Gen. Flynn’s son. So they can do so. Ask them. Prosecutors James P. Gillis and Evan N. Turgeon. They may also decide to prosecute other former Flynn Intel Group employees. Papa Flynn, though, is off-limits. Trump pardoned the former General on Dec. 20th. Skeptical? Ask the Flynn family when their “go fund me” account goes online for their son’s legal fees.

Is the next global bioweapon the Ebinur Lake, China virus?

Created in the Wuhan China labs on April 4th, 2011. Called the Ebinur Lake virus. To be renamed COVID-20. A constant onslaught of lab-made viruses. To keep the world under permanent lockdown. The key research lab in the U.S. is the University of Texas Galveston National Laboratory. It is one of four operational BSL-4 labs in the U.S. Like Ft. Detrick, MD. These labs study human disease-causing illnesses. Spread in the air by planes, foggers, mosquitoes, ticks, and other means.