Why the court affirmed vaccine mandates for health care workers

Money for more federal marshals to protect the lives and families of the Supreme Court. Otherwise, they will end up like fellow Justice Anton Scalia. Murdered. The Biden Administration also threatened to cut off Medicare and Medicaid funds for hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care entities. Unless they mandate vaccines for their employees. The rest of the Supreme Court’s reasoning from Friday is just filler.

Psaki's pink Russian hammer and sickle hat

The hammer and sickle symbolize Communism. Jen Psaki (SACK ee) is the White House Press Secretary. Before that, she worked at CNN for three years. Psaki said on May 7th last year that she would resign this year. Jen was President Obama’s Communications Director for three years. Before that, she worked for Secretary John Kerry as the spokesperson for the State Department. Jen was a consultant for Antony Blinken at WestExec Advisors LLC. Psaki also lobbied Congress to extend the charter for the Export-Import Bank.

What court evidence said happened on Jan. 6th

Only 15 minutes are public of 14,000 hours of Capitol surveillance video taken on Jan. 6th. Judge Beryl Howell sealed the rest. Before Ashli Babbitt was murdered, CNN paid a contractor $35,000 to film it. A copy of the contract was submitted into evidence by defense attorneys for James Earle Sullivan. His criminal trial starts next month before Judge Emmett Sullivan in the District of Columbia Federal Court.

Obama's key Pentagon advisor during Benghazi heads Veterans Affairs

Denis McDonough heads Veterans Affairs. At the Benghazi attack, he was Associate National Security Advisor. His job was to oversee the Pentagon. He is sitting to the left of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At the top of the story, the AP’s White House photo shoot was on Sept. 11th, 2011. That was when Obama claimed Osama bin Laden had been killed. Osama’s dead body was never found, videoed, or photographed.

Gitmo 9/11 murders trial starts

The military court trial is at Guantanamo Bay or Gitmo. The first ruling is anticipated Sept. 30th. The alleged crimes relate to the murder of 2998 people on Sept. 11th, 2001. They are conspiracy, attacking civilians, intentionally causing serious bodily injury, murder in violation of the law of war, hijacking or hazarding a vessel or aircraft, and terrorism. The defendants are Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin 'Attash,’ Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Ramzi Bin al Shibh, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi.

Court okays 6G, finds no "harmful" interference

The decision was in yesterday’s 24-page opinion by D.C. Federal Judge David Tatel. So 6G has been approved for “unlicensed” devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, and routers. Except the court wants to hear concerns from radio and television networks. Because the FCC ignored their concerns about 6G signal interference. So the case remains open. And can be reversed if the court rules that 6G signals interfere with television shows and radio broadcasts. Stay tuned. A court case is never over until the judge says it is over.

Why Ghislaine-Epstein child sex trial is fixed

The trial judge is up for promotion to the Federal Court of Appeals. According to Biden’s press release dated Nov. 17th, Judge Alison Nathan was nominated because she is openly gay. According to her 70-page resume, she has worked for Obama, Mueller, and the DNC. The Chief Federal Prosecutor in the Maxwell-Epstein child trafficking case is Maurene Ryan Comey. Her father, James, is the former Director of the FBI.

How to find radiation warnings in an iPhone

A phone’s radiation warnings are under Settings, General, Legal, RF Exposure. Or in the phones’ ownerships manual under “Legal” or “RF Exposure.” RF means Radiofrequency Radiation. Cell phone radiation can also be measured using a microwave leak detector device. Can cell phone radiation cause breast cancer? Does it affect children more than adults? Why are cell phone radiation warnings hidden?

FAA warns pilots 5G interferes with plane radar causing hazards for safe landings

According to FAA Deputy Director Tom Sciortino in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Landing hazards increase in bad weather. In addition, wireless signals from 5G towers close to airports heighten crash landing risks. Accidents occur when the radar cannot detect how close the plane is to the landing runway. So far, no one has been reported injured, nor has any aircraft been damaged due to a crash caused by 5G radar interference. The FAA also said it will be issuing another pilot safety bulletin next month.

Roe vs. Wade update from the Supreme Court

When will the court rule on the case? Only the U.S. Supreme Court knows. And the court has no timetable. Neither side, in this case, is asking to stop abortions. The argument is about returning that right to the states. Rather than have it mandated by the federal government.

Texas Mom remains free without bond after buying her son a four-year-old "adopted" girl from Poland

The Mom, Debra Parris Edwards, 69, of Ft. Worth, Texas, is part of a 40-year-old child trafficking network. It involves Mexican drug cartels and Somali child sex networks in 18 states and 20 countries. It has laundered $200 million from up to 8000 phony international adoptions. The network operates under several names. One of them is European Adoption Consultants out of the Cleveland suburb of Strongsville, Ohio. Other business names and their money trails are blacked out of public court records. Federal courts have identified 579 defendants in over 20 federal court jurisdictions. The Parris-Edwards case only identifies four of them. Prosecutors have withheld the names of 579 other defendants from 20 federal court jurisdictions to cover up the scope of Cleveland’s child slavery network.

Road usage taxes will make vehicles unaffordable

Once implemented, taxes only go one way. Up. Unable to afford the tax? The IRS will take the vehicle. It is in the fine print as a proposal in H.R. 3684 passed by Congress. It is on the President’s desk to be signed, activated, and enforced. The tax language is in the 1039-page bill.

Biden, BlackRock, China building Iowa's 1300-mile "hazardous" liquid carbon pipeline

The pipeline is being built without an EPA environmental study, disclosing the risks, or answering risk questions on Iowa’s pipeline permit forms. What could go wrong? According to dozens of project press releases, there are none. Unenforced by the Biden Administration’s EPA, Justice Department, SEC. The building started on March 15th. Neither Senator from Iowa has made any public comment on the liquid carbon pipeline.