Shot mandates are intended to destroy states' rights

The vaccine mandate says it "is specifically intended to preempt all state and local laws that address workplace requirements related to vaccination, face coverings, and testing for COVID-19. In particular, the mandate is intended to preempt any state or local requirement that purports to ban or limit an employer from requiring vaccination, face coverings, or testing."

Judge is fixing VA Gov's race by counting mail-in ballots through tomorrow

Marc Elias filed the lawsuit for McAuliffe and the Virginia Democrat Party. Elias also represents President Bill and Hillary Clinton and Fusion GPS of Russian dossier fame. According to the Virginia Democrat Party, the Post Office failed to deliver 300,000 mail-in votes to the Board of Elections. They were never counted. The ballots have unique barcodes from Portsmouth City and Albemarle County, Virginia. The Post Office has until Friday to find and sort them. It answers to the court on Monday.

Pelosi's top priority is voting rights for non-citizens

Her proposed law guarantees same-day voting rights to non-citizens without verification. It has passed the House. A similar bill has passed the Senate. Once they both agree, it will be approved by a Democrat-controlled Congress. Then, it becomes law when signed by the President. Chief Justice John Roberts has already said he will write the majority opinion supporting the bill as Constitutional. The purpose of the bill is to guarantee the Democrats never lose another election.

Poppy Pete pumping drug pipelines full of Afghan heroin

Buttigieg worked for NATO under UN command. He was the interpreter for Gen. Dunford. When it came to the heroin trade, money laundering, and human trafficking, whatever the General knew, Pete knew too. Inspector General John Sopko said Afghanistan was a “massive money-laundering scheme.” Why is Poppy Pete the Secretary of Transportation? Because he knows the world’s heroin drug pipelines better than most people trying to investigate it.

Hillary's attorney to steal tomorrow's election for Virginia Governor

Marc Elias is the attorney representing Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and Terry McAuliffe. The election is tomorrow for the Governor of Virginia. McAuliffe needs 300,000 mail-in ballots to win. Elias sued the Post Office on Oct. 22nd to make those ballots count. Elias was working for Perkins Coie when the law firm paid $12.4 million to Fusion GPS to write two Russian dossiers.

Judge exposes the FBI's role in a 40-year-old global child slavery cartel in Cleveland

The FBI’s Mark Nowak is the missing link to explain how the FBI and Justice Dept. covered up the Cleveland child slavery case. Nowak signed all its warrants. He covered up the matter with Bill Barr, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Robert E. Hughes III. The key defendant in the Cleveland case is Margaret Cole Hughes, Director of European Adoption Consultants (EAC). She is Robert III’s stepmom. Her son’s promotion came after investigating her. Margaret made $200 million in 40 years from 8000 adoptions. She is still in business. The State Dept. and CNN said EAC sold children.

Why is no one being charged with selling children taken from the Congo?

The answer is in the Feb. 7th trial of Margaret Cole Hughes and Debra Parris Edwards. Directors of the European Adoption Consultants (EAC). According to their attorneys and State Department, they made up to $200 million selling 8000 children from 19 countries. They are still operating after 40 years. Charges are for fraud and conspiracy rather than child trafficking. Money laundering charges are limited to $30,000 in the case of Mrs. Robin Herring Longoria.

Vax mandates bust unions and defunds cops

So to avoid the vaccination mandates, the best cops will get new jobs. They are leaving behind the bad apples. Who will fill the job vacancies? UN's NATO troops. Here and ready to imprison those who refuse the Covid-19 shots. Two locations are New York and the Capitol. The source is the United Nations.

Why 72% of black Americans have refused covid-19 shots

Because black Americans are guinea pigs. Used without their knowledge for medical experiments. By the federal government. For “bad blood” in the Tuskegee Experiments. For “dermatology research” in Agent Orange experiments. “To cure cancer” in radiation experiments. Fauci calls it “The Common Good.” For whose good? For votes to elect a Democrat-controlled Congress. By stealing and fixing elections. Now, because of the federal government’s population control policies, do any lives matter?

Black Lives Matter (BLM) to command Cleveland's cops

When voters pass a ballot issue giving them that power, police officers will be fired based on a rumor. Without a court hearing. By 13 BLM-appointed police commissioners. President Obama entered a deal with Cleveland’s Mayor to defund their police on June 11th, 2011. Justin Bibb, the City’s new Mayor, supports BLM and wants UN troops to police its streets.

DeWine to back Yost for OH Gov.

Why? On their watch, they covered up the most prominent child and drug trafficking cartel in the U.S. The hub is in Ohio. It sold 8000 children for $200 million over 40 years. The source is federal court records—the case of Margaret Cole Hughes. Prosecutors have failed to tell the judge there are 574 related defendants. Instead, he is only aware of four. Links to the evidence are in the stories.

Capitol killer case gets kicked into next year

It is a setup to blame Trump for the Capitol murders on Jan. 6th. Judges, prosecutors, and daily publicity stunts by Congress are all in on in it. To keep Trump from regaining the Presidency. And keep control of Congress with Democrats even though the Capitol Police Chief issued a press release on Jan. 7th. It said one of their policemen shot Ashli, a veteran.

Biden tells Justice Dept. to enforce his baby killing abortion policies

State laws limiting or banning abortions are “clearly unconstitutional,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. The Biden Administration appointed him to enforce its policies over states’ rights. Policies like killing babies and selling children. The Biden Administration appointed Garland as the Attorney General. Garland is using the Justice Department to punish people who oppose its policies. He answers to Joe Biden rather than to the American people. As Deputy Attorney General, Garland destroyed the evidence in the Oklahoma City bombings 26 years ago.

Hillary's hatchet man, McCabe, had his pension restored yesterday

President Bill and Hillary Clinton groomed Andrew McCabe to become FBI Director. In exchange for his promotions, McCabe covered up the 869,000 Hillary email fiasco. And the Margaret Cole Hughes’ child slavery case. Because McCabe’s sidekick’s wife limited the $200 million money-laundering operations to $30,000. McCabe’s sidekick? Peter Strzok. Peter’s wife? Melissa Hodgman of the SEC. She is in charge of the country’s international financial crimes unit. Like money-laundering.

Will Ohio's child slavery cartel continue after Oct. 28th?

The trial was to start on Feb. 7th at noon. Over two dozen experts from the State Dept. are scheduled to testify over five days. They thought they closed the child slavery ring. Instead, the Justice Dept., Ohio Governor, and Health & Human Services have allowed the cartel to operate for over 40 years. Allegedly, the cartel has laundered over $200 million. No one can find the 8000 children it has allegedly placed for adoption. Federal courts have linked the phony non-profit to Mexican and Somali drug and child trafficking cartels.