Roe versus Wade to be reversed

The Supreme Court will hear the case in two months. It was continued 22 times over the last two years. That is why the Biden Administration started their plan to pack the court with pro-abortion federal judges on March 15th. The plan was hatched by Chief Justice Roberts, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), NBC, and CNN.

Are domestic terrorists behind Cleveland's vote on Nov. 2nd to take over their police?

Black Lives Matter sponsored the Nov. 2nd ballot issue in Cleveland. When passed, citizens will lose control of their police and City Hall. Instead, a committee of 13 unelected domestic terrorists with run the city. Details are in 24-pages of fine print. The ballot language has less than 300 words. An unverified complaint in a non-court setting is enough to fire any police officer.

131 federal judges own stock in the cases they rule on

In ten years, the problem has grown from 26 to 131 corrupt federal judges. It involved 685 cases. Sources are NBC, the Wall St. Journal, and the Center for Public Integrity. Who enforces federal justice? The ones in the black robes. The Judges. More than 110 of them blacked out information about their gifts, income, and investments.

U.S. elections are controlled from Malta

Paragon is based in Malta and Brussels. And where the Democrats manipulate elections and vote counts. That is why the DNC will never lose control of Congress or the Presidency. The Dems count the votes. Brussels is where the United Nations has its headquarters.

China owns America?

Stimulus checks are debt. Money owed to China. The collateral? People, land, water, and natural resources. China is owned by the China Communist Party (CCP). They own Congress, ABC, CNN, NBC. The debt is due upon demand.

Child slavery cartels ignored in Cleveland to prosecute 90 bike thefts

Cleveland started defunding its police in 2011 under Obama. Now, bad guys can get away with murder. And selling children who are rented by the week for sex. The top priority of the County Prosecutor is the theft of 90 dirt bikes. He has ignored going after illegal drugs, weapons, and child trafficking cartels. They have never been prosecuted by local, state, or federal prosecutors.

What is in the COVID-19 shots?

The information is part of a global network of 98 members in 42 countries. WHO and John Hopkins share the same website. The UN owns the World Health Organization. The BGI Group in China owns all their research. The CCP owns China. The China Communist Party owns China’s military.

Senate to approve voting rights for non-citizens today

It guarantees the re-election of a Democrat-controlled Congress in midterm elections next year. And every year thereafter. The bill, Senate Concurrent Resolution 13, is scheduled to be voted on Sept. 15th. It passes if approved by the House and is signed by the President. The bill’s language is unavailable to the public. A 66-page summary, however, is.

825,000 Vets sent their DNA to China

Except no one told them that their DNA is in China’s biobanks. Retrieved through a portal in Oxford, England. Owned by the China Communist Party (CCP). So who else has access to the Vets’ DNA? BGI Group. CNGB, Leidos, and over a hundred private defense contractors.

ProPublica is fake news

Paul Sagan is on the board of Moderna and ProPublica. What does that say about the people who work for him? Or renew rather than cancel their subscription? Who is protecting Sagan from being investigated for insider trading?