The Pentagon surrenders Norfolk Naval Base to NATO

To enforce mandatory lockdowns and imprisonment. Of people who refuse COVID-19 and other UN health edicts. Gen. Lavigne is in charge of the Pentagon. As NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander. Appointed by George Soros’ North Atlantic Council. Gen. Lavigne is from France, an ally of the China Communist Party (CCP).

Fauci's skeeters have triggered the next planned demic in 19 states

According to Xinhau, China News Media, the CDC, and local media sources in 19 states. Fauci and Bill Gates have used genetically modified mosquitoes to create the perfect storm. The West Nile virus, spread by mosquito bites, is this month’s pandemic of the month. And what has the CDC done about it in the last 20 years? Next to nothing. Grossly negligent. Just in time for next year’s midterm elections. China has more data on mosquito viruses than the CDC.

Fauci, Daszak, Collins pledge allegiance to China

According to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology Labs. Owned by the CCP, the China Communist Party. So are the trio illegal, unregistered Chinese spies who failed to register as foreign agents with the Justice Department? Why? Because there is no intent to commit a crime. When they are giving away America’s scientific research for free. Working for the Communist State of China. Rather than pledging allegiance to the United States of America.

UN's Bachelet readies to punish the unvaccinated with prison

Biden reports to Michelle Bachelet. She runs America. From her raven’s perch in Geneva, Switzerland. As the UN’s Human Rights High (and Mighty) Commissioner. Bachelet believes the unvaccinated should be imprisoned. For the “greater good” of the state. Her U.S. Human Rights Commissioners in major cities supercede local police and the Supreme Court. Ever since New Year’s Eve, Congress overrode Trump’s veto of 99 spending bills totaling 5393 pages. Including paying for door-to-door lockdowns of the unvaccinated. Without spending limits because they have “pay-as-you-go” provisions.

Gates has ringer on FDA board approving COVID-19 vaccines

The sources are the FDA and the Gates Foundation. The FDA said Holly Janes, Ph.D., has “minimal conflicts of interest.” Her current employer’s biggest donor is the Gate Foundation, where Janes worked for six years. How many more ringers do Gates and the drugmakers have on the vaccine boards and committees of the FDA?

Fauci's boss has worked for China since 1999

Fauci’s boss, Dr. Francis Collins, is in the front row, far left, of the above photo. Collins heads the NIH. The source is the China Communist Party (CCP), known by the Pentagon as the Chinese military. There were 37 founding members of Collins’ International Human Genome Project (HGP). It was started by President Clinton and Tony Blair of the UK.

UN to unleash 3.5 billion vaccines for the Rockefellers

Regardless of side effects. Without consent. Enforced by NATO, the UN’s military. The Rockefeller Foundation wrote the pandemic plan used by the UN on April 22nd, 2010. ACT Accelerator is the UN’s version of Trump’s warp speed. ACT was unveiled this morning. Most of its cost will be paid by American taxpayers.

Are women "lab rats" in COVID shot experiments?

The CDC admits that vaccines cause stillbirths in 14% of all pregnant women. Yet, the CDC continues to recommend vaccines for all women. Without consulting with one’s doctor. The CDC’s phone app to track one’s health history requires no consent. And can be hacked. Where is all the data going? And who has it? Obamacare is back. Including the death panels?

Fauci starts peddling next year's flu shot

A one-time Fauci flu shot. To replace all flu vaccines. Forever. Concocted by the tag-team of Fauci and Bill Gates. To be rolled out next year. The catch? It is experimental. It permanently alters one’s genes. And promoted by the Gates Foundation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO). Their vaccines will be mandated in public schools by teachers’ unions. The COVID “pandemic” was a warm-up compared to what is coming. Who saw it coming?

Judge to dismiss Strongsville child slavery case

The case has 245 defendants led by Margaret Cole-Hughes. She still operates four other businesses. They are American International Adoption Agency Inc., the Boston Group, Eurotrust Inc., and Project Sunshine. Cole-Hughes is the former Director of European Adoption Consultants (EAC) of Strongsville, Ohio. It was closed down by the State Department last year on May 28th. President George H.W. Bush helped set up EAC as a scam. Its purpose was to provide income for the family of Robert E. Hughes, former Republican Party Chairman of Ohio and Cuyahoga County.

Is the Bush-Hughes child trafficking network still operating?

Twelve-year-old girls were their specialty. Details are in the July 28th hearing of Donald Doehrer's criminal case in the SDNY. He is one of 245 co-conspirators in a criminal network run by Margaret Cole Hughes. She was the former Director of the European Adoption Consultants (EAC) in the Cleveland, Ohio suburb of Strongsville. Hughes’ international adoption agency was closed down by the State Department on May 28th, 2020, for selling children. That was one of 17 other violations in over two million documents already submitted into evidence. The prosecution has already submitted the names of their witnesses, all State Department officials, to the defense.

Susan Rice is the President

She replaced Joe Biden as President for the troika of Hillary Clinton, her husband, Bill, and President Barack Obama. Rice led a team at American University with convicted Russian Spy, Mariia Butina. They illegally spied on 30,055 Americans who supported Trump's election as President. Rice said a video caused the deaths of Americans in Benghazi. Rice was complicit in the slaughter of over a million people in Rwanda in 1994.