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Turkish partner ties Flynn Intel to Russia and Israel

President George Bush with his dog, Barney, Oct. 12th, 2002 (above)

While his boss discussed NATO weapons with President George Bush in the White House, who watched Barney, the President’s dog?

Ekim Alptekin.

He is a lawyer specializing in commercial transactions.

Although born in Turkey, he went to law school in the Netherlands.

Besides Turkey, he has represented:

President George W. Bush (right) shaking hands with Ekim Alpekin during a visit to the Netherlands on May 8th, 2005. The others are unidentified.

May 8th, 2005: After paying respects to Allied troops killed in the Netherlands during World War II, President Bush stopped to see Ekim Alptekin.

Alptekin had White House access to President Bush for a year and a half when he was an intern for Tom Lantos (D-CA) of the International Relations Committee.

“I’ve never felt more American”, said Ekim.

Alptekin speaks Turkish, English, Dutch, French and German.

All NATO countries.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO is made up of 29 countries listed here:

The U.S. spends one-fourth of its budget on NATO weapons.

This line item is greater than the U.S. Defense Budget.

Ekim Alptekin is a defendant in the ongoing trial of his former business partners in Flynn Intel Group:

  • Bijan Kian Rafiekian

  • Mike Flynn

  • Kristen Verderame (Ekim’s attorney)

Alptekin was never mentioned in the trial.


Prosecutors have made no attempt to explain why.

As a Turkish diplomat, Alptekin is immune from prosecution.

However, Ekin is the one who:

  • set up a key meeting in New York City on Sept. 19th, 2016 with his personal friends who included Turkey’s Ministers of:

    • Finance

    • Defense

    • Energy

    • Natural Resources

Who is Turkey’s Minister of Energy and Finance?

Berat Albayrak.

The son-in-law of Turkey’s President.

Meeting with the Turkish Ministers were Alptekin’s business associates from Flynn Intel Group.

They included:

  • Mike Flynn, former three-star Army General

  • Bijan Kiani Rafiekian, owner of the Kianco Group Corp.

  • former CIA Director James Woolsey

  • Brian McCauley, former CIA/FBI who was the right-hand man for CIA Director John Brennan

Alptekin said he ”arranged the room, arranged for bottles of mineral water and transport to the hotel” for the joint meeting.

Woolsey “arrived in a limousine that I had ordered for him”, said Ekim.

“For a large part of the time it seemed that he (Woolsey) was napping.

“He is no longer the youngest. "

Alptekin met an Iranian born American named Bijan Kian Rafiekian.

Rafiekian was a partner at Flynn Intel Group, a consulting and lobbying group founded by Flynn after he left the military and government.

In 2009, Kian financed international loans for companies in the Middle East for the U.S. Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im).

Alptekin added Rafiekian to the board of EA Aerospace in Turkey.

“He’s an Iranian-American and I’m a Turk; we have a lot in common culturally,” Alptekin said.

“I align with his worldview.

“He’s a very sociable, nice man.

“We celebrate Christmas together.”

Ekim Alptekin (left) in white at his first marriage. Lulzim Basha is his best man.

At his first wedding, Alptekin's wedding witnesses were:

  • Turkey’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Hilmi Guler

  • AK Party Deputy Saban Gear

At his second wedding, Ekim used his private jet.

Alptekin has been charged but never arrested in the U.S.

The FBI has an office in Turkey.

They can pick him up in Istanbul where he lives.

A warrant was never issued.

Ekin was on his Twitter feed during his trial.

Why was Alptekin charged if he has diplomatic immunity from Turkey, Albania, and the Netherlands?

Ekin was indicted with his partner, Bijan Kian Rafiekian, of Flynn Intel Group and EA Aerospace (Eclipse Aviation) for:

  • conspiracy

  • acting in the U.S. as an illegal agent for the government of Turkey

  • four counts of making false statements to the FBI

Kiani was found guilty last month for conspiracy and illegally acting as a secret agent for Turkey in the U.S.

Whether or not a new trial will be granted is up to the judge.

The next court hearing is Sept. 5th.

Rafiekian is asking for a new trial.

Mike Flynn has been named a co-conspirator but has yet to be charged in the same conspiracy.

Ekim Alptekin deposited $530,000 from his personal account in Turkey to Flynn Intel Group (FIG), according to prosecutors.

FIG folded in Feb. 2017.

Alptekin seems to be in the center of Flynn Intel’s deals, bribes, and kickbacks.

Since he was four-years-old, Ekim’s parents trained him to be a Turkish spy.

The Alptekin’s lived in the Netherlands for 20 years as diplomats for Turkey.

Alptekin has been accused of being a money launder, gun runner and drugs smuggler for:

  • Turkey

  • Russia

  • NATO

Alptekin has been CEO of EA Group’s ATH Defense and Security Systems Division since 2006.

EA is Eclipse Aviation.

According to its web page, its portfolio of products are custom ordered.

Ekim has been selling to MIT, the Turkish CIA, since 2006.

ATH is part of EA Group (Eclipse Aviation and Aerospace) Group.

Alptekin has been its President since 2008.

Turkey’s standing army of 410,00 soldiers is the second largest in NATO.

And the tenth largest in the world.

America’s active military force is 476,000 from a workforce of 2,875,500.

According to Lockheed Martin, eight Turkish companies make nearly half of all the parts for the F-35 fighter planes for the U.S.

Since 1999, Turkish companies have also helped in the engineering and development.

The Turkish government appoints the officers of the Turkish American Business Association in Washington, D.C.

Who has been its President for the last seven years?

Ekim Alptekin.

For a time line of Eclipse Aviation, here is the link:

The Russian-based operation was intended to be jointly operated by the:

  • European Technology and Investment Research Center (ETIRC) based in the Netherlands

  • Russian Federation

  • Commonwealth of Russian Independent States

  • Republic of Turkey

According to Alptekin, he appointed Bijan Kian Rafiekian to the Board of Directors of Eclipse Aviation & Aerospace (EA) on May 21st, 2009.

And to its Turkish-based subsidiary, EA Havacilik.

Source: Turkey Chamber of Commerce archive

At the time, Kiani was working for the U.S. Export-Import Bank.

He was appointed by President George Bush.

It is more commonly known as Ex-Im or Ex-Im Bank.

It is uncertain whether the Eclipse Aviation Group received any money from the U.S. Export-Import Bank while Kian was a voting member.

Or whether another company received loan proceeds from another for the benefit of Eclipse.

According to its most recent Ex-Im Annual Report dated 2018, 40 per cent of its loans were made without a voting quorum or documentation.

Loans were routinely approved without paperwork.

On Sept. 23rd, 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a factory to build Eclipse Aviation jets.

It was supposed to be a joint venture with Turkey and the Netherlands.

Putin’s financing for Eclipse never was approved.

Instead, with Alptekin’s help, using Turkey as a conduit, Putin paid nothing to get a billion dollars worth of NASA research and development.

Source: press release from Eclipse Aviation imaged here:

Russian President Putin standing next to an Eclipse Aviation jet dated Sept. 23rd, 2008

Russian financial newspaper, Izvestia, said Danill Kazhdan (Daniel Boloton aka: Evgeny Buryakov) was bringing “Bill Gates” aircraft, Eclipse 500, to be built in Russia.

The date was June 14th, 2005.

The article is imaged here:

The first Eclipse jet was a top secret project.

NASA Wallops Island facility in Virginia contracted with Swift Engineering of San Clemente, California to make the first Eclipse prototype.

What was the technology?

Paint to make a plane undetectable during flight.



The Eclipse Aviation plane was made to land in the middle of nowhere without a trace.

No footprint.

No need for:

  • an airport

  • flight logs

  • landing strips

  • air traffic controller

Ideal for drug smuggling operations.

How many Eclipse stealth jets do they own?

Who has the records?

For years the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) failed to license Eclipse planes because they were undetectable by air traffic controllers.

And failed dozens of inspection checks, according to Calvin L. Scovel III, the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation.

Scovel’si 32-page report is dated Sept. 17th, 2008.

The report number was CC-2008-120.

Scovel said the plane was unsafe.

The IG report is linked here:

On Sept. 12th, 2008, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified the Eclipse plane as safe.

Their report was 61-pages and is linked here:

According to an FAA report dated Sept. 26th, 2015, “Eclipse Aerospace, Inc., has not delivered an aircraft since 2008”.

According to General Aviation Manufacturers Association, Eclipse delivered 293 planes.

The first Eclipse jet was priced at $850,000.

Then $1,500,000.

Then more?

According to Pacer, the official record of the federal judiciary, Eclipse Aviation was involved in eight bankruptcy cases.

Their cases are imaged here:

Another 31 federal cases were filed against Eclipse mostly for taking people’s deposit money without delivering a product.

Since its inception in 1999, Eclipse has never made a profit.

Public court records on the 39 Eclipse cases are non-existent.

Or settled with no record at all.

John Travolta may have gotten Eclipse jet without paying for it.

Actor John Travolta (center) with Vern Raburn (right) and Mike McConnell of Eclipse Aviation

Who paid if Johnny Boy got a freebie?

Federal, state, county, and local taxpayers in a variety of locations across the U.S. from:

  • Florida

  • New Mexico

  • Wisconsin

  • New York

  • Arizona

  • Illinois

  • Maine

  • California

  • Virginia

Alptekin boasted that he paid four cents on the dollar or $40 million for a billion dollars worth of technology tied to Eclipse Aviation.

Only his company made a bid for it in bankruptcy court.

No criminal prosecution was ever filed against the Eclipse Aviation or its management team or Board of Directors.

According to court records, the Board included:

  • Kent Kresa, former Chairman of both General Motors (GM) and Northrup Grumman Corporation

  • Harold Poling, former Chairman and CEO of Ford Motor

Page Eight of federal case number 16-2203 imaged above

David Zaikin, a partner in the Eclipse Aviation joint venture with Putin and Turkey, said the Russians never built an Eclipse jet.


“We never got any orders”, said Zaikin.

Eclipse Aviation was incorporated in Delaware on 1999.

The initial prototype was to make a personal jet for the billionaires from Microsoft.

They were:

  • Bill Gates

  • James Allen

  • Vern Raburn

Why Vern Raburn? He was a pilot and a passion for flying.

Plus Bill Gates was the best man at his wedding

Ekim Alptekin, Mike Flynn, and Bijan Kian Rafiekian also worked for Ratio Oil Exploration in Israel.

Turkey hired Ekim’s Dutch and Turkish Companies, Inovo Group AV, to help put together a pipeline between Israel and Turkey.

Russia provides Turkey with 75 per cent of its gas supply.

The proposed pipeline is 1248 miles long and six miles deep.

So far, only Israel, Greece, and Cyprus are involved.

Alptekin, center, wearing a Ratio Oil Exploration (Israel) badge.

Namik Tan (left) of Ratio Oil. Former Turkish ambassador to Israel and U.S.

Aron Liel (right) former Israeli envoy to Turkey.

Event was the Israel Energy and Business Convention in November 21st, 2016 in Tel Aviv.

Letter dated June 28th, 2016 from Ratio Oil.

Ekim Alptekin is named in it representing the Israeli oil company.

The names of Mike Flynn and Bijan Kian were blackened out.

The above invoices were sent by Flynn Intel Group.

Please note the billing was structured in amounts of $5000.

This was done to avoid suspicions of money laundering.

Amounts over $5000 trigger a banking review.

The two documents imaged above were submitted into evidence on July 16th in the criminal case of Kian, Flynn, Alptekin, and Verderame.

A dozen pipeline contracts were awarded by Israel on July 30th.

None of them involved Turkey.

The story is linked here: