Probation ends in a death sentence for John Tufts co-conspirator

Longoria’s incarceration starts May 11th. First, she must surrender to U.S. Marshals in Ft. Worth, Texas. Tufts' mother, Debra Edwards Parris, 58, sold him a four-year-old girl from Poland, Madison. An Ft. Worth jury convicted Tufts of abusing her. They sentenced him to 51 years in jail. On July 7th, Parris could get ten years. A third co-conspirator, Margaret Cole Hughes, will be sentenced on May 27th. Her step-son, Robert E. Hughes III, is an FBI agent Andy McCabe assigned to investigate his mother’s case. Margaret was the Director of European Adoption Consultants (EAC). Prosecutors promised her the most jail time of the three. According to the judge, the FBI did nothing to stop the trio’s child trafficking hub in Cleveland, Ohio. EAC has been in business for 41 years.

Prosecutors recommend probation in Weds.' Bush-Barr child trafficking case

Bill Barr fixed the case. His criminal network of 574 defendants got away with $200 million from selling children. Wednesday's Robin Renee Longoria sentencing hearing was supposed to be held in the Federal District Court in Ft. Worth, Texas. Instead, Barr transferred it to Cleveland. As a result, Longoria's attorney, Steven Jumes, has told her she will get probation instead of ten years in jail.

Ukraine: another NATO coup

Afghanistan and Benghazi were two other NATO campaigns. According to NATO. The Afghan campaign remains ongoing. Benghazi, Libya, was led by NATO Commander Jimmy “the Greek” Stavridis. He retired as an Admiral in the U.S. Navy. Jimmy works now for the Carlyle Group.

Who cops a plea without knowing what the sentence will be?

Robin Longoria did. She pleaded guilty to bribery without knowing what her prison term would be. Five to six and a half years. On advice from her defense attorney, Steven Jumes. The sentence could have been 30 years for selling children. Longoria will be sentenced on March 23rd at 11 a.m. Robin and three other co-conspirators from European Adoption Consultants (EAC) sold 30 children from Uganda for $800,000. In addition, they paid bribes of $450,000 to two Ugandan Judges for the children through fraudulent adoption procedures. Judge Gwin can order restitution of that amount, according to the signed plea deal.

First co-conspirator in Bush-Barr global adoption criminal conspiracy to get up to ten years for bribing two Judges

Debra Parris Edwards admitted bribing two Uganda Judges $15,000 to falsify adoption paperwork. Details of the bribes will be omitted from the Justice Department’s press release of Debra’s sentencing on March 9th. This part will be left out too. The Cleveland hub of their business, European Adoption Consultants (EAC), was set up in 1991 as a phony charity by President George H.W. Bush and his Attorney General, Bill Barr. According to CNN, they met in the 1970s when both men were working for the CIA.

Homeland Security declares a six-month war against "fake news"

Expiring June 7th. DHS has directed the FBI to target for arrest two groups of citizens. The first are citizens who say widespread election fraud robbed Donald J. Trump of a second term as President. The second are people who say COVID-19 is a bioweapon and its vaccines are defective resulting in deaths and serious injuries. A third alert is directed to 5G being a danger to people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19. Another alert are people who say COVID-19 mandates are illegal and unconstitutional.

Fauci covers up 48 studies proving lockdowns fail to stop the spread of COVID-19

According to the UN, WHO, and John Hopkins University. So who paid for these studies? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci. The WHO study dated Jan. 2006 lists 48 sources provided by Dr. Fauci’s agency, the CDC. Then why are federal, state, and local governments insisting on mandates for lockdowns, vaccines, and masks? Because they don’t work. And the pandemic has a ways to go before expiring on Oct. 24th, 2024.

The vaccinated are responsible for injuries caused by COVID-19 shots

Why? Because drugmakers, employers, and other entities have no liability from injuries caused by COVID-19 shots. It is in the fine print of section 319F-3 of the Public Health Service Act passed by Congress. Under federal law, persons “covered” with immunity include drugmakers, distributors, federal, state, local governments, and employers. That is a partial list. Who then is liable for the injuries resulting from COVID-19 shots and boosters? The people who take them.

Pandemic extended to Oct. 24th, 2024

It started two years ago, on Jan. 27th, 2020. Who created and extended it? The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). No one knows why. Who gave that power to one person? Congress. How is the Secretary’s decision reversed? Elect a new Congress. Who will change the laws.