BlackRock to replace Biden with UN’s Cathy Russell

Tom Donilon has that kind of clout as Chairman of BlackRock. Cathy Russell is his wife. She works for the United Nations. The plan is to transfer the federal government to the United Nations through treaties. They will be signed starting this afternoon in Geneva, Switzerland, at the Global Report on Assistive Technology.

Biden declared war vs. Syria on Monday

By issuing an Executive Order. It becomes law in 30 days. Unless Congress votes to nullify it. By calling it a “National Emergency”, the Biden Administration can spend as much money as it wants on the matter. So far, no one from Congress has objected to it. Has anyone even noticed?

Cleveland child trafficking Madame to get ten years for fraud on Thursday

Margaret Cole Hughes, 75, is Cleveland, Ohio’s child trafficking Madame. Instead of 30 years for each count of child trafficking and more jail time for bribing judges in Uganda, she pleaded guilty to fraud. Margaret had free rein over selling children through international adoptions for 40 years. According to Judge James S. Gwin, Cole-Hughes’ company, European Adoption Consultants (EAC), was never investigated by the FBI.

Tedros to replace Biden by June

How? By a treaty signed by 192 countries at Davos, Switzerland, between May 22nd and 26th. These countries will merge into one government. China calls the treaty “Event 2030”. According to Bill Gates, a second “planned scam demic” is scheduled for summer. This event will trigger a second staged, global health emergency. Mandatory lockdown mandates will follow. NATO troops enforce them.

Bribes for children from Uganda persist

Dorah Mirembe was paid $400,000, and her employer, European Adoption Consultants (EAC), one million dollars to process 30 fraudulent adoptions. Yet, as of Friday, even with a terrorist alert from the State Department, people from the U.S. can still adopt children from Uganda. Earlier today, a blast caused a fire that destroyed adoption records in the office of the Chief Justice of the Uganda Supreme Court.

Soros’ Judge to fix case on Tues. vs. Flynn’s Iranian partner

On Tues., Judge Trenga will do it again. Dismiss the criminal case against Iranian national Bijan Kian Rafiekian, formerly of Flynn Intel Group (FIG). Kian was an unregistered spy working for Turkey. Instead of 15 years in jail, Kian will skate. Trenga will get the Prosecution to drop their request to retry the case. The Appeals Court reinstated the Kian’s jury conviction, reversed Trenga’s dismissal of the case, and instructed the Judge not to retry it. Instead, Trenga ignored the Appeals Court's decision and invented one of his own. With a better result for his boss, George Soros.

HR 350: FBI to have unlimited money to arrest anyone, for anything, any time

What is a crime? That will be figured out after the arrest by the FBI or Justice Dept. The bill will be scheduled for a vote after the Easter recess. As soon as next week. The House Judicial Committee had hearings on HR 350 last week. Please read the last sentence of the bill. The FBI will have “such sums as necessary to carry out this Act.” And so will the Pentagon, Homeland Security, and the Justice Dept.

Haslam trio to be charged before April 15th

Next year. The trio is Dee and Jimmy Haslam and their son-in-law, JW Johnson. Their usual, customary, and normal business practices included: stealing $56 million from 5600 customers; doing the same to 382 employees by refusing to pay them $4,250,000 in overtime pay; paying $40 million in hush money; paying a $92 million corporate criminal fine; paying a $100,000 fine for price gouging its customers by charging $4.95 a gallon for gasoline back in Sept. 2008.

Ghislaine Maxwell sentencing is June 28th

She is facing up to 65 years in federal prison for sex trafficking. No worries. The case is fixed. Maxwell has been held at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center since her arrest on July 2nd, 2020. For local updates, please read Matthew Lee Russell at Inner City Press. He has reported on the Manhattan, New York Federal Court cases daily for over ten years.

FBI said MN Somali-Muslim groups stole $244 million meant to feed poor kids

“. . . none of the money has been used to feed children”; the scheme is going”; and nearly all $244 million was illegally converted to personal use, according to the FBI. Instead, federal money was spent by conspirators to buy six pieces of real estate, including a $500,000 property in Kenya. Somali TV of Minneapolis broadcast the conspirator’s party. The video is captured in the story. The kingpin of the scam is Ken Ellison. He was the number two man in the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign of 2016. Ellison is also Minnesota’s Attorney General. Instead of bringing charges in this case, he covered it up.

Gitmo trials are fixed on appeal

Musetta Tia Johnson is against death sentences. She is about to be confirmed as the deciding vote on death sentences in military courts. Johnson is in favor of releasing all Gitmo inmates, open borders, and voting rights for non-citizens. Gitmo pre-trials started yesterday in Guantanamo, Cuba. The first case begins on June 4th. Johnson’s resume is void of achievements. They only mention job titles.