23 Prosecutors are in Soros’ back pocket

The source is George Soros. He brags about it in Sunday’s Wall Street Journal. So what is the purpose of the $40 million? A downpayment to help the Biden Administration transition the Justice Department into the United Nations (UN), reporting to their Human Rights Commissioner. Who is George Soros? He is a billionaire and founder of the Open Society Foundation and Soros Fund Management LLC. Congress pays Soros to steal elections and recruit spies.

Soros hires the tax lawyer who wrote Obamacare

George Soros owns the Open Society Foundation. Congress pays him to steal elections and recruit spies. Soros just hired tax attorney Catherine Livingston to run his Foundation. She starts Sept. 6th. According to Soros, she wrote Obamacare and is an expert in non-profit law and its tax and IRS compliance issues. The Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare was Constitutional as a tax. So Congress will call on Cathy as an expert witness to get Obamacare Two passed. It is called HR 1435.

The next UN treaty will be about Environmental Racism and Justice

Sources are the UN, EU, and Biden Administration. The EU has identified a gap in International Law with Environmental Racism and Justice Treaties. No one has been able to explain what they are, what they mean, or how to enforce them. Nor can they identify their causal relationship to Climate Change. However, one thing is for sure. The U.S. will pay for it.

Same-sex marriages to be declared illegal by the Supreme Court soon

A law to make same-sex marriages legal was introduced in the House on July 18th. It passed the next day. It is pending before the Senate. Four Supreme Court Justices wrote in their written opinions on June 24th that they anticipate that same-sex marriages will be ruled unconstitutional. That is why Congress responded so quickly. They want to pass a law making same-sex marriages legal before the Supreme Court nixes it. The President issued a press release declaring his support of the same-sex marriage bill. The bill must still pass the Senate for it to become law.

Parris’ sentencing for selling children from Poland and Uganda through visa fraud and bribery is on Sept. 10th

Parris pleaded guilty to single counts of fraud and conspiracy. However, instead of sentencing via video conference from her lawyer’s office in Texas, Judge Gwin summoned her to appear in Cleveland. Has the Judge marked Debra Parris as the scapegoat for the sins of selling children through the European Adoption Agency (EAC)? Parris is free without a bond.

Biden’s first cyber security strategy plan is due in September

The Biden Administration’s first cyber security strategy plan started being drafted on May 16th. Its anticipated completion date is September. This means that up until now, the federal government has been operating without a cyber security strategy to protect national security. The Office of Budget and Management said that 71 out of 96 federal agencies are at "significant risk" of being hacked.

UN’s WIPO voted Friday to update its IP Patent Treaties for Genetics

World Intellectual Property (WIPO) includes anything on the internet. That is because the UN owns it. Intellectual Property (IP) holds patents, data, digital assets, designs, copyrights, trademarks, patterns, and logos. The next meeting date is unknown. It is to be announced. The WIPO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the United Nations (UN). Drugmakers with access to the data banks of the WIPO include Pfizer, GSK, Merck (MSD), and the Gates Foundation (BVGH) in Seattle.

WHO delays Pandemic Treaty until May 2024

The Pandemic Treaty turns over control of 196 countries to one person, Dr. Tedros, the head of WHO, a subsidiary of the UN. His power would supersede that of the President of the U.S. In addition, the Treaty nullifies the U.S. Constitution under International Law.

U.S. Navy surrenders its command to NATO

The Pentagon confirmed it. NATO made the announcement yesterday. The U.S. Navy Strike Force unit has been under NATO command since February. It surrendered its Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia to NATO on June 15th. It was announced in June 2018. NATO was created in 1949 to create an ongoing war with Russia, even though it is an ally of the U.S. since 1929. The Ford Motor Company still helps Russia build its tanks.

NASA funding bill morphed into a federal takeover of elections

It has passed the House and Senate. The chambers are reconciling HR 8746’s language before going to the President for signature. Key provisions of the bill are the Justice Department’s approval is needed to change any state or local election laws. Over five million felons can vote. Mail-in ballots can be counted up to seven days after polls close on election day. Validates mail-in ballots without postage, mailing date, or bar code. People who have died remain on the voter rolls for another 30 years.

Biden ignores pleas to save the church in Bethlehem

Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem requested immediate help from the President today to save the Church of the Nativity from destruction. It is considered one of the holiest places in the Christian world. But instead, the White House ignored the request and hopped on a plane for Saudi Arabia.

Pandemic Treaty negotiations reopen Monday

It will be live-streamed from Geneva. Links to the agenda, proposals, and minutes of the last minute on Dec. 21st are included. The purpose of the Pandemic Treaty is to relinquish control of health emergencies to the World Health Organization. The U.S. and 195 other countries have already agreed to its terms.